Wednesday, June 29, 2011

jUSt sOMthiNg i wANna sHarE wiTH mY deAreST FRieNdS ^^~

memula memang ingat nak buat entri "Demam pt 2" coz jumpa la sikit idea2 yang agak2 bernas...tapi recently saye asyik terbaca keluhan student2 yang xdapat asrama/kolej (UMS) yang somehow buat saye how do i put this...macam2 la rase... nak marah ade, kesian ade, diskriminasi kurang terpimpin ade...mcm2 la...but one of the feeling that i think x patut ade tapi dituju jugak kat sesetengah orang is meluat (no offence)...bukan bermaksud ape but some ppl deserve that (gonna stress that NOT ALL)...n the reason i post this entry bukan nak hina sapa2 ok but utk ingatkan aje...
okay before anyone gonna put me and say "dia xpe la coz dia dapat kolej", let me remind everyone yang the reason ppl dapat kolej is because they earn that with their butt got kicked off and some even with their butt getting kicked but dont get to stay, it because there always other elements like pointer (CGPA), attitude, and a bit luck might be help... so saye bukan nak tuduh sape2 layak n x layak n bukan nak bangga diri pon but please la... kepada yang x layak tu bagi peluang pada yang mmng deserve kolej kediaman ni... i'm not gonna say saye 100% layak tinggal di kolej kediaman but as i said earlier, i try my best n get my ass kicked... and based on pengalaman n Che Dat (Dr M) pernah cakap "Melayu mudah lupa" coz from what i observe, rata2 yang x dapat kolej kediaman pernah x dapat jugak dulu n apply n merempat illegally kat bilik orang but what i can see is that they never learn from their mistake (i got to observe them real close)... owh btw saye x cakap semua ye... coz saye faham tinggal kat "oversea" ni fulus yang klua lagi banyak dari masuknya... nak2 yang rajin jalan2 n shopping... duit kelua macam air...
masa saye tahun 1 dulu, saye amat2 beruntung coz mantan2 bilik saye merupakan senior yang ade pengalaman n jawatan (bukan kes kaki ampu ye) which dorang mmng x lokek utk share experiences n consequences of our act... saye banyak belajar dari Kak Ada (mantan S/U JAKMAS  CD 09/10), Kak Ching (s/u Barrack Obama =P) n Kak Shalini (peniaga lobster berjaya)..x lupa jugak mantan2 JAKMAS 09/10 (Kak Tinni, Kak Azzah, Abang Haniff, Abang Helmi, Abang Kamal, Kak Tiffany, n sumer la include sumer sekretariat skali...x larat nak list pjg2)... manusia2 ni semua banyak tolong bagi nasihat n give me one hell of fun year... THANK YOU EVERYONE!!!
oppsss...sorry saye mmng suka lari topik (kalu interview ni dah lama kena reject huhuhu) so based on nasihat2 espesially from Kak Ada n Abang Helmi (boss saye), i know that i need to work hard just to stay for one year in college... that's include my education too (ye la klu kena kick dari U plak ape la maknanya dapat kolej kediaman ye x??) so pada mana2 yang x pernah dapat nasihat dari yang pakar (biar la berjela2 dah nasihat from pengetua kolej dah post dlm FB, felo2 n JAKMAS2) let me stress that mmng betul aktiviti universiti penting tapi korang selain result yang teruk yang akan halang korang sambung belajar, korang x aktif pun xpe... but masing2 pandai la fikir sendiri..xkan korang nak hulur sijil SPM/STPM/Matrikulasi/Diploma je masa interview nnt...mana soft-skill, hard-skill n ape2 skill lagi mahasiswa disitu??? not to mention one hell of treasure experience u'll get in various programs that u join... saye sendiri bukan la Dean list n dengan mengaktifkan diri ni somehow buat saya slipped a bit from my trail n facing my great fall tapi saye puas (skip my CGPA) coz i learn how to hold myself together n get the job done ^^~
walopun banyak kali lepas abis je program atau masa program i will say "taubat dah..lepas ni klu ade ape2 program jangan harap saye join" and sometimes feels like kita je yang buat kerja n at some unlucky time bila kita mmng xde masa nak bagi perhatian kat org sekeliling but our work, tetiba deadline untuk assignment like 24 hours away, esok ade presentation tapi kena balik lebih pukul 2 pagi n much more (termasuk penunggu setia- anjings) tapi at the end kepuasan tu mmng x dpt digambarkan... u get new friends, experience, nasihat2 dari pakar (ie felo or yang lagi atas dari kita) on how things works but yang penting at the end u'll say "memang penat tapi best"... n i found myself now mampu bekerja under very hard how is that??? even when i told my dad he replied "that just apart of ur future working experiences" and no way in hell i'm gonna say how unlucky i am...
n betul some says, "kitorg dah join macam2 program tapi xdpt jugak!" it is becoz of something else, like i say, there's other elements u need to consider as well bukannya how active u r in college je, i mean n i agree with concept kita masuk U ni mmng untuk gengam sijil, pakai graduation cap and so on tapi like i said earlier what's the point? takkan nak hulur sijil lahir je kat interviewer nnt? but like my mum always say, "main 2 main la jugak but belajar tu benda utama, we send u to UMS utk belajar and gain experiences"...and have fun in addition ...n kat sini juga saya nak stress yang mana kalau korang join mana2 program but as peserta je, the point u will get is lower dari yang pegang jawatan, that is why saye slalu cakap, join banyak2 program xpe coz somehow orang atas akan nampak kita n mungkin korang akan pegang jawatan pulak mcam cakap mat salleh, learn from baby-steps...
n klu nak mention CGPA, yes as i said i'm gun 4 dean list n that is the main reason saye masuk UMS...diulangi UMS bukan KOLEJ KEDIAMAN, but if u wanna keep both, work harder, easy equation la dear, it's not rocket science, so kalau korang kata susah la macam ni, think again, ade ke benda senang dalam dunia ni? even nak blink one eye pun brapa banyak muscle u need to move and of course u need to do a bit sacrifice.. again semua benda mesti ada pengorbanan like one touch of thing, how many cells on ur skin dies? that is secrifice in my book...natural order... simple la tu..
and as i said a bit of luck might even help...coz bukan sorang je yang apply kolej kediaman so yeah, i think u need to have a little luck...
the reason i'm telling ppl this especially utk my next batch coz to be honest mmng betul kalau x dapat kolej boleh buat rayuan n kalau dapat tu please be grateful n try to keep it that way klu mmng bercita2  nak tinggal kat kolej lagi in the next year coz this is one hell of competition, students increases every year and that is the fact, semua boleh nampak... kalau dah dapat kolej tu jangan la (PLEASE) ada perseption "alah, senang je kalau dah apply confirm dapat, buat macam tu la next year pun" coz u never can predict the future...

so, before i end this, i'm apologizing kalau ade yang terasa hati coz i speak with my experiences (yang maybe x banyak tapi batter dari diam aje) good luck la ye sape yang dalam proses nak apply college tu n klu x dapat pun do something that prove u really worth to be in the college... so next year boleh cuba lagi ^^~ adios..PAPAIII

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