Tuesday, November 20, 2012

human issue - stop crime in Palestine n save Gaza

saye bukan seorg aktivis atau extremist but i am human who have feelings

saye bukan nak cakap pasal diri saye tapi saye nak cakap pasal saudara2 saye yg seagama dgn saye hatta saye x kenal sorg pon nama dorg apatah lagi borak2 kosong dgn dorg

i mean how could us? dorg xde masa nak men2 ngan internet, tp xleh salahkn dorg gak, air bersih pon susah nak dapat, nikan pulak internet line

tp dorg ada free wifi with no disturbance xkira hujan, ribut, petir, peluru, bom, roket, etc.. yes a higher ALLAH the ALMIGHTY, yet how busy they are they still prey

kadang2 malu saye~~~ saye x cakap sape2, saye pon sama... entah2 paling teruk dalam semua umat

jujurnya i am not talking about current event, isu Palestine ni start even when i was born, even way before Salahuddin Ayyubi jadi sultan lagi  aka Saladin the person who free AlAqsa Mosque - but this is not from the Zion Jew but from Christian(correct me if i'm wrong here) and way even before that - senang cerita, Palestine ni sebuah tempat yang sentiasa jadi rebutan la x kira zaman cuma isu Palestine-Israel ni yg jd isu sekarg, sbb makhluk Zionis ni kejam tapi pengecut ya amat... baling batu, menyorok belakang taiko plak! (cakap mcm KL Gangster plak)... n if Hitler still alive now i am very sure his status as a mean murderer will change (i know i dont see him as a terror leader now n before - read the history)

it just isu ni akan jadi besar bila peluru berteknologi tinggi mula kena satu daerah Palestine atas alasan x masuk akal... sblm2 ni ada aje anjing2 Israel ni tangkap rakyat Palestine ni tanpa sebab, tp i guess it just daily basis story like any other day at work for us.. kita pun x nampak apa, mostly they will say "agak2 aman dah kot Palestine tu"

setiap kali on FB saye paling x sampai hati nak tengok gambar kanak2, org tua, n manusia2 x berdosa ni kena bunuh etc.. bukan x peduli n ramai yg kutuk tindakan saye yg x share gambar2 tu semua buat tatapan tp saye x sampai hati, idk what kind of feelings n i'm not surprise one of them is coward coz i know i am when it comes to this... my heart fell for a person who dont deserve that.. n i believe some says saye sorg yg hipokrit bercakap kat sini but never do much then that...

apa2 pun saye harap kawan2 kat sana yang terbaca belog saye ni sama2 doakan kawan2, saudara2 kita dekat sana... itu aje yg saye mintak, jujur saye bagitaw, saye bukan seorg yg baik tp saye harap rg tahu niat saye ni baik,

gambar mcm hampeh tapi buku ni lah yg krg boleh try baca - klu belum pernah 
kalau sape2 ada baca buku kekejaman Zionis (Kisah2 kekejaman Israel di Palestin ~lebih kurang tajuk dia-di published after the Mavi Marmara incident), walopun gambar2 nye x banyak, tulisan dia saje buat org menangis, i know i do cry.. saye beli buku ni masa belajar di UMS dekat 1B, terus baca masa kat bus stop before balik asrama n i swear i cry n sebab x sanggup nk sambung, saye x baca dalam bilik tp otw balik Seremban dlm flight saye baca... i am more as a reader who never put myself into the writing but walaupun buku tu x seberapa tp ada value yg tersendiri... sbb tu saye simpan sampai sekarang, x bagi org amek terus... pinjam boleh, amek terus jangan. I wish my brothers or sisters akan baca but i guess dorg prefer magazine... (*sigh*)

jujurnya isu ni makin berbekas lepas kes Mavi Marmara masa May 2010 masa Che Det cakap pasal ni dekat Malaysia Hari Ini esoknya... walaupun dulu saye sedar pasal isu ni tp sbb bnyk lagi benda saye boleh buat (mmng xde perasaan masa dulu) n risaukn, saye just jadi pengutuk kedai kopi (if u know what i mean) tp sekarg since all i do is tercangak depan TV, FB, online portal etc, baca suratkabar, tipu saye x terkesan

so saye harap kawan2 (tanpa kira apa aje fahaman politik, pegangan agama, sekolah mana, U mana, etc) put aside the differences n just consider ousrelf in their shoes for just a minute to prey for them...

that's that, papai

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

what i'm onto these days?

okay actually saye banyak je nak cerita...

tp rajin nye xde

walaupun berstatus CEO tanam anggur yang berjaya tp since rajin nya xde, masa pon secara baik hatinya meng'syncronize'kan diri beliau... HAHA

tapi bila tengok blog saye x berupdate rasa mcm serabut plak so saye update yang ala kadar ajela

okay btw walopun secara lahiriahnya saye x berkerja tp saye berusaha nak abeskan 1 season Grimm n Hot In Cleveland

i mean i hate when i cannot understand what happen in the next season or episode so saye pon bertekad cemerlang (motto UMS) untuk x ketinggalan... huhuhu

so okay here it is

#1 Hot In Cleveland
4 so called single girls ^^~ (Joy, Melanie, Victoria n Elka)

okay let the fact remain that i am not a fan of a series of FRIENDS yg ditayang dulu2... but although format dia lebih kurang sama macam Friends (comedy, film in front of live studio audience) and theme dia lebih kurang sama, i think this series is more laid back but not bodoh2 (not that i think Friends tu bodoh2 but for some reason which i myself dont understand i dont really like it)..

so series ni pasal 4 org so called anak dara tua (3 org dari LA n sorg dr Cleveland) tinggal serumah n mcm mana kehidupan dorg especially yg dr LA terpaksa crash landing dkt Cleveland masa dorg otw nak pegi Paris n fall in love with Cleveland.

Well to be honest sekali pun i watch the series multiple times already, i still can laugh like the comedy is still fresh n as i said the series not bodoh2 n fun to watch ^^~

#2 Grimm

Supernatural + CSI? Me love ^^!
okay Grimm ni more like Supernatural in anti-Winchester-way-of-hunting (waa gila kejam) hehe!! or senang citer kesah sorng detective yg boleh nampak creatures (the maybe-cryptozoology creature) n ancestors dia dah berabad kejenya meng-hunt down the creatures.. tapi since detective ni seorg penegak undang2 (eceh!), so dia x leh suka2 bunuh org so dia just do it by the law (-ish sometimes) n since he is the last one in his family, dia xde rujukan atau sifu melainkan diary2 lama kerabat2 dia dulu, dia berkawan dgn satu creature ni yg dipanggil Blutbud atau bahasa mudah "big bad wolf" (according to him la)

well to be honest, it was so easy to tell why i fell in love with the series, i mean i am always a legends, history, creatures, mystical buff and i am a huge fan of  Supernatural and i love procedural cop shows and this series got both of them ^^~ (not to mention, the lead actors is cute too >_<!)

so okay that's that for now
papai ^^~

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