Monday, December 17, 2012

the makeup lesson

After 2 weeks membebel akibat kemalasan saye keluar bersama-sama, akhirnya saye ikut jugak Marjorie n Leeya keluar walaupun malas masih bersarang... almaklumla, mood bermalasan masih tinggi

pagi kemarin bersamaan hari Jumaat, Marjorie datang jemput saye dengan keta baru (ayah dia bayar... hehe) dia.. memula banyak jugak alasan saye, lagipun, still pukul 0830... kami pon pegi kedai mamak

#FunFact: Marjorie sentiasa makan nasik lemak pagi2 tanpa miss walau sekali =P

rupa2nya Leeya dah tunggu, mesti dorg ni ada plan nih.. #hampeh sungguh main ambush saye pagi2..

sambil makan, masing2 mula bercerita, btw, Marjorie nak sambung belajar n Leeya pun sama just part time la... sambil2 tu Leeya merungut pasal budak2 ofis dia yang sangat2 suka merendah-rendahkan chubby-type girl mcm Leeya

kata Leeya

"aku taw la aku ni gemuk, tapi kenapa bila aku pakai make-up diorg kata aku salah tempat keje? bukannya tebal sangat makeup aku pakai"

for the record, Leeya x pernah pakai makeup bila pegi mana2 except compact powder n lip balm aje


well Heidi can pull on w/o makeup and just walk outside n still
look pretty rite?
so, moral citer ni bukan saye nak blabbing about stop being such a jerk coz i believe i have posted about this like loooonnnggg ago but the make-up thingy...

to me, full on make-up face either tebal or not is subjective

simple equation, kalau org tu dah biasa pakai makeup, they will think (walaupun tebal) it just normal, not too much but kalau org x pernah pakai makeup, calit lipbalm pun dorg kata mcm joker (villain citer Batman ye)

saye teringat masa saye 15, at my young age, i dont get exposed much on makeup and one time i just put on some body powder at my face (super thin layer) n ppl start saying i do look different wearing makeup tho i actually just put some body powder, but now, tho i' wearing makeup, unless i go for crazy rave color of eyeshadow or super thick eyeliner, my ummi will goes, "cubala kamu pakai bedak sikit!! bukannya kamu budak2 lagi"

so temanya, just be u,

coz bila org yg x biasa pakai makeup, bila dia pakai, org akan cakap macam pakai topeng coz somehow she herself feel awkward with the her condition n kalau org terbiasa pakai makeup, bila x pakai makeup, org akan tegur muka dia pucat n everything...

susah kan nak puaskan mata semua orang?

so the lesson here is to hell with how people think of u

coz i always think that confident is always the best outer layer any girls can wear weather u with makeup or not

tebal or not the makeup to me is subjective

some ppl says they go with natural look but since other ppl cant see the process behind them, they might dont know how many layer of foundation, compact powder, concealer, loose powder etc they put on

i'd say this coz one of my friend, is so lucky coz she have the exact same shades of foundation and powder to her skin which many dont have including me. one time we want to go out together and while waiting for her to get ready, i actually saw her ongoing makeup process. well honestly, a pretty well flawless that look like dont-need-much is actually need way too many things to be done

and she ended up with effortless makeup job and she look natural tho it too almost half and hour to get ready

i mean i take like half an hour to put on makeup alone too so i told her why she need 30 minutes to look like just what u already look like?

so that's that
papai ^^~

sume gambar adalah dari pakcik gugel

Thursday, December 13, 2012

unreasonable RM10

panas je hati!!

jarang saye beli makan pagi sejak saya balik ke tanah air (hehe) 
yela, klu kat KK, confirm2 la nak breakfast x sempat coz bangun2 je kena lari g kelas (pukul 10) 

tapi as my job is babysitting my sis at the hospital, i have to get myself breakfast

since idk where is the nearest cafeteria in this hospital, i went a little further outside the hospital area

menunggu dengan penuh sabar
so i bought my breakfast at mamak stall 

the wait for the food i ordered? like waiting for Dr Black Jack snapped out the anime world and ask me to be his Pinoko (minus the short figure)... owh btw i wast even ordered a steak that everybody know takes years to cook... i just ordered a friggin fried noodle n iced nescafe 

yet it took almost 1 hour and half to get my friggin breakfast and only 3 ppl in the restaurant..

then what shocked me more is that the overall price is RM10!!!

i mean WTF???

sabar ajela

if i knew i should just go and eat KFC or wait till i get home =_='

okla that's that

12-12-12 is the day i learn something ^^~

saye masih belum start keje lagi walaupun dah almost 2 months saye graduate

ummi n ayah dah start bising2 n sampai satu tahap saye jadi macam manusia kena rasuk je (literally speaking) sbb xde issu lain n some mula mempertikaikan sebab saye blajar sampai dapat degree

antara sebab musabab lain yg buat dorg kata saye x dapat keje n org xna amek saye keje is sbb saye sangat GEMUK! susah nak bergerak coz trlalu berat!

*i mean WTF???* seriously?

worse? dorg kata sbb saye lambat habis belajar (dr kawan2 saye yg x sambung belajar) is saye dok kat UMS untuk makan aje

*double WTF??????*

but then today, saye ditugaskan bawak my sis (Anis) pegi klinik. lepas tu dia kena refer ke hospital coz doctor suspect dia ada apendiks (idk this spelling/term is right)

so saye pon driv dia ke KPJ, handle everything yg ada kaitan dengan my sis la dekat hospital tu n balik rumah, btw Anis kena admit masuk wad coz lpas tu kena operate buang appendiks tu

balik rumah, ambik ummi bawak pegi hospital, amik fatin dari keje, n then achik (bunyi mcm sikit tapi actually sangat banyak keje) and i do that all by myself coz ummi kena handle rumah utk angah punya upcoming engagement

masa doctor tu check anis, dia cakap

"nasib baik cuti sekolah, boleh jugak u teman adik u dtg sini"
saye reply "apa pulak kaitan cuti sekolah?"
"kalau u sekolah macam mana nak hantar adik u datang sini.. "
"saye dah lama habis sekolah la.."
"oh, saye ingat u baru habis SPM"

HAHA!! saye nampak muda!! ^^~

so then saye realized, banyak resume saye hantar n most of them rejected
tho most of the time i feel like loser but i think now saye nampak hikmah apa yg terjadi

i always said i want to help my family
n i always thought i can help them once i got a job n i feel like nothing else i can do before that but kata doctor tu jugak, if i didnt bring her sooner, apendiks tu boleh pecah n caused internal bleeding or something (i mean i'm not an expert) but long story short, it may become worse

so since everyone is busy, i guess my little help could help her

at least in the beautiful date (12/12/12), i learn that there's a reason why ALLAH still hold my future job to help my family, i actually need to start small n HE knows best


get well soon my sis

ok that's that

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

human issue - stop crime in Palestine n save Gaza

saye bukan seorg aktivis atau extremist but i am human who have feelings

saye bukan nak cakap pasal diri saye tapi saye nak cakap pasal saudara2 saye yg seagama dgn saye hatta saye x kenal sorg pon nama dorg apatah lagi borak2 kosong dgn dorg

i mean how could us? dorg xde masa nak men2 ngan internet, tp xleh salahkn dorg gak, air bersih pon susah nak dapat, nikan pulak internet line

tp dorg ada free wifi with no disturbance xkira hujan, ribut, petir, peluru, bom, roket, etc.. yes a higher ALLAH the ALMIGHTY, yet how busy they are they still prey

kadang2 malu saye~~~ saye x cakap sape2, saye pon sama... entah2 paling teruk dalam semua umat

jujurnya i am not talking about current event, isu Palestine ni start even when i was born, even way before Salahuddin Ayyubi jadi sultan lagi  aka Saladin the person who free AlAqsa Mosque - but this is not from the Zion Jew but from Christian(correct me if i'm wrong here) and way even before that - senang cerita, Palestine ni sebuah tempat yang sentiasa jadi rebutan la x kira zaman cuma isu Palestine-Israel ni yg jd isu sekarg, sbb makhluk Zionis ni kejam tapi pengecut ya amat... baling batu, menyorok belakang taiko plak! (cakap mcm KL Gangster plak)... n if Hitler still alive now i am very sure his status as a mean murderer will change (i know i dont see him as a terror leader now n before - read the history)

it just isu ni akan jadi besar bila peluru berteknologi tinggi mula kena satu daerah Palestine atas alasan x masuk akal... sblm2 ni ada aje anjing2 Israel ni tangkap rakyat Palestine ni tanpa sebab, tp i guess it just daily basis story like any other day at work for us.. kita pun x nampak apa, mostly they will say "agak2 aman dah kot Palestine tu"

setiap kali on FB saye paling x sampai hati nak tengok gambar kanak2, org tua, n manusia2 x berdosa ni kena bunuh etc.. bukan x peduli n ramai yg kutuk tindakan saye yg x share gambar2 tu semua buat tatapan tp saye x sampai hati, idk what kind of feelings n i'm not surprise one of them is coward coz i know i am when it comes to this... my heart fell for a person who dont deserve that.. n i believe some says saye sorg yg hipokrit bercakap kat sini but never do much then that...

apa2 pun saye harap kawan2 kat sana yang terbaca belog saye ni sama2 doakan kawan2, saudara2 kita dekat sana... itu aje yg saye mintak, jujur saye bagitaw, saye bukan seorg yg baik tp saye harap rg tahu niat saye ni baik,

gambar mcm hampeh tapi buku ni lah yg krg boleh try baca - klu belum pernah 
kalau sape2 ada baca buku kekejaman Zionis (Kisah2 kekejaman Israel di Palestin ~lebih kurang tajuk dia-di published after the Mavi Marmara incident), walopun gambar2 nye x banyak, tulisan dia saje buat org menangis, i know i do cry.. saye beli buku ni masa belajar di UMS dekat 1B, terus baca masa kat bus stop before balik asrama n i swear i cry n sebab x sanggup nk sambung, saye x baca dalam bilik tp otw balik Seremban dlm flight saye baca... i am more as a reader who never put myself into the writing but walaupun buku tu x seberapa tp ada value yg tersendiri... sbb tu saye simpan sampai sekarang, x bagi org amek terus... pinjam boleh, amek terus jangan. I wish my brothers or sisters akan baca but i guess dorg prefer magazine... (*sigh*)

jujurnya isu ni makin berbekas lepas kes Mavi Marmara masa May 2010 masa Che Det cakap pasal ni dekat Malaysia Hari Ini esoknya... walaupun dulu saye sedar pasal isu ni tp sbb bnyk lagi benda saye boleh buat (mmng xde perasaan masa dulu) n risaukn, saye just jadi pengutuk kedai kopi (if u know what i mean) tp sekarg since all i do is tercangak depan TV, FB, online portal etc, baca suratkabar, tipu saye x terkesan

so saye harap kawan2 (tanpa kira apa aje fahaman politik, pegangan agama, sekolah mana, U mana, etc) put aside the differences n just consider ousrelf in their shoes for just a minute to prey for them...

that's that, papai

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

what i'm onto these days?

okay actually saye banyak je nak cerita...

tp rajin nye xde

walaupun berstatus CEO tanam anggur yang berjaya tp since rajin nya xde, masa pon secara baik hatinya meng'syncronize'kan diri beliau... HAHA

tapi bila tengok blog saye x berupdate rasa mcm serabut plak so saye update yang ala kadar ajela

okay btw walopun secara lahiriahnya saye x berkerja tp saye berusaha nak abeskan 1 season Grimm n Hot In Cleveland

i mean i hate when i cannot understand what happen in the next season or episode so saye pon bertekad cemerlang (motto UMS) untuk x ketinggalan... huhuhu

so okay here it is

#1 Hot In Cleveland
4 so called single girls ^^~ (Joy, Melanie, Victoria n Elka)

okay let the fact remain that i am not a fan of a series of FRIENDS yg ditayang dulu2... but although format dia lebih kurang sama macam Friends (comedy, film in front of live studio audience) and theme dia lebih kurang sama, i think this series is more laid back but not bodoh2 (not that i think Friends tu bodoh2 but for some reason which i myself dont understand i dont really like it)..

so series ni pasal 4 org so called anak dara tua (3 org dari LA n sorg dr Cleveland) tinggal serumah n mcm mana kehidupan dorg especially yg dr LA terpaksa crash landing dkt Cleveland masa dorg otw nak pegi Paris n fall in love with Cleveland.

Well to be honest sekali pun i watch the series multiple times already, i still can laugh like the comedy is still fresh n as i said the series not bodoh2 n fun to watch ^^~

#2 Grimm

Supernatural + CSI? Me love ^^!
okay Grimm ni more like Supernatural in anti-Winchester-way-of-hunting (waa gila kejam) hehe!! or senang citer kesah sorng detective yg boleh nampak creatures (the maybe-cryptozoology creature) n ancestors dia dah berabad kejenya meng-hunt down the creatures.. tapi since detective ni seorg penegak undang2 (eceh!), so dia x leh suka2 bunuh org so dia just do it by the law (-ish sometimes) n since he is the last one in his family, dia xde rujukan atau sifu melainkan diary2 lama kerabat2 dia dulu, dia berkawan dgn satu creature ni yg dipanggil Blutbud atau bahasa mudah "big bad wolf" (according to him la)

well to be honest, it was so easy to tell why i fell in love with the series, i mean i am always a legends, history, creatures, mystical buff and i am a huge fan of  Supernatural and i love procedural cop shows and this series got both of them ^^~ (not to mention, the lead actors is cute too >_<!)

so okay that's that for now
papai ^^~

Sunday, October 28, 2012

after 3 years i finally graduated ^^~

Alhamdulillah ^^~ I'm finally
well i finally graduated!!! YAY!!!

well to be honest i doubted that will graduated by time but ALHAMDULILLAH i am so happy i am

so now i have Bachelor in Science with Honor in Physics With Electronics ^^~ YAY!!

at least i kept my promise tho it not really my proud moment...

i mean yea i'm so happy to see my parent's proud faces and my mom n dad keep smiling.. heck ayah who never even buy flower his entire life bought me a bouquet to celebrate... of course he didnt tell me he is the one who bought it n made Anis gave me the bouquet but then it is aint a secret... hehe

with my fello friends n Dr Jedol at Upperstar Suria Sabah
owh the night before my graduation, i suddenly suffer from massive gastric but then Dr Jedol asked the students under him to go to Upperstar Suria Sabah coz he want to treat us... i mean that's so great except i cant even stand up let alone have fun.. luckily, the hotel where we were staying is in front of the clinic so after get myself checked, and ate the medicine, i feel just slightly better... i mean my gastric never okay quickly but then ummi asked me to go to the gathering. i mean i came late n yea that's my habit. i never came early to class so does the gathering (consider myself as VVIP much huh? hehe)

with my parents, nenek, sisters n lalink anis
then next morning (20/10/2012) is my convocation day n i realize i have a terrible allergic to the gastric medicine from yesterday.. my whole body got this rash n i am itching like crazy but hey mind over matter... t my graduation day after all.. i have to be patience n secretly keep the itchy feeling all the way through the ceremony tho everyone realize my face turn all red not because of the blusher that time. but then it all worth it, i recieve my scroll, my parents n nenek were so proud of me, ummi n ayah been smiling all day n we even celebrating at Gayang (is it?) Seafood Restaurant.. i mean, idc even i got this terrible itchy feeling as long as everyone is happy then i am happy... tho i'm the one paying the price coz i got hospitalized the next day... hehe

thanks you Ummi n Ayah for everything
I love u both^^~
i cant thank everyone enough for my scroll,
my parents, Ummi n Ayah,
nenek, n my sisters who came all the way to Sabah
my family, my supervisor, Dr Jedol,
my FE Lecturer, FE buddy, my roomates, my UMS-ian

i even owe KMPk lecturers, friends,
STTJ teachers n friends and actually i have waaayyyy long list to go to thank but the fact remains i cant repay them all except i wish them the best and only ALLAH SWT can repay everything

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

My Favorite Supernatural (Season 3) Quotes

so i ended up pretty bored at home

i mean, most time i spend at the office n joking around but now i have to spend my time with adik izzati...

not that my little cute sister is boring but since she had a long day at school she fell asleep while playing with me *sigh*

so here's what i do, gather up my favorite quotes in Supernatural Season 3

so here it is ^^~

S03E01: The Magnificent Seven

Bobby: Did you boys find anything around here?
Sam: No sulfur, nothing.
Dean: Well, maybe something. (points to video camera) See? I'm working

Bobby: Do you have any idea who we're up against?
Dean: No, who?
Bobby: The Seven Deadly Sins, live and in the flesh.
Dean: (laughs) "What's in the box?" (silence) Brad Pitt... Se7en (shuts up as Sam hits him with the Bible)

Sam: Dean, what're you doing?
Dean: Comforting the bereaved. What're you doing?
Sam: Workin'. Dead body, possible demon attack, that kinda stuff.
Dean: (fake coughing) Sam, I'm sorry. It's just, I don't have much time left. And, uh... (more coughing) ...gotta make every second count

Bobby: So, we're eating bacon cheeseburgers for breakfast, are we?
Dean: Well, sold my soul. Got a year to live. I ain't sweatin' the cholesterol

S03E02: The Kids Are Alright

Dean: What? Someone had to teach him to kick a bully in the nads

Sam: So let me get this straight. You want to drive all the way to Cicero just to hook up with some random chick?
Dean: She was a yoga teacher. That was the bendiest weekend of my life!

Sam: (trying to cover up his phone call) Oh, I was just ordering pizza.
Dean: Dude, you do realize that you’re in a restaurant?
Sam: Yeah! Oh, yeah, yeah... (lamely) I just felt like pizza, y’know?
Dean: Okay... Weirdy McWeirderton.

Ben: No, don't go over there. Only bitches send a grown-up.
Dean: You're not wrong.
Ben: And I'm not a bitch

S03E03: BAd Day At The Black Rock

Sam: Dean...
Dean: Hey, back off, jinx. I’m bringing home the bacon

Dean: So, you know the truth, about what's really going on out there, and this is what you decide to do with it? You become a thief?
Bela: I procure unique items for a select clientèle.
Dean: Yeah, a thief.
Bela: No, a great thief.

Dean: What the hell is wrong with you? You don’t just go around shooting people like that!

Sam: What am I even supposed to do, Dean?
Dean: Nothing, nothing! Come here. I don't want you doing anything! I want you to sit right here and don't move! Okay? Don't turn on the light, don't turn off the light, don't even scratch your nose!

Dean: What?
Sam: I lost my shoe.

Dean: Oh, don't go away angry. Just go away.

Dean: I'm Batman.
Sam: (sarcastically) Yeah, you're Batman.

S03E04: Sin City

Dean: So if we wanna go check out these omens in Ohio, think you can have that thing ready by this afternoon?
Bobby: Well, it won’t kill demons by then, but I can promise it’ll kill you!

Dean: There’s got to be a demon or two in South Beach.
Sam: Sorry, Hef, maybe next time.

Casey: Why don't you relax?
Dean: Why don't you kiss my ass?
Casey: Why, Dean, you're a poet. I had no idea

Casey: You know, not a lot of us say this, but your likable.
Dean: A demon just complicated me. I'm sorry, but I don't know how to respond to that.
Casey: You could try saying thanks

Casey: Nice try but I think you just ordered a pizza.

S03E05: Bedtime Stories

Dean: All right, maybe it is fairy tales. Totally messed-up fairy tales. I'll tell you one thing, there’s no way I'm kissing a damned frog.

Sam: You remember Cinderella? The pumpkin that turns into a coach and the mice that become horses?
Dean: Dude! Could you be more gay? Don't answer that.

Dean: You find a way to stop Callie, all right.
Sam: What about you?
Dean: I'm gonna go stop the big bad wolf. Which is the weirdest thing I've ever said.

Sam: I think it's Snow White.
Dean: Snow White? Ah, I saw that movie. Oh, porn version anyway.

Sam: Who's your boss? Who holds the contract?
Crossroad Demon: He's not as cuddly as me, I can tell you that.

S03E06: Red Sky In The Morning

Dean: So, I've been waiting since Maple Springs. You got something to tell me?
Sam: It's not your birthday..
Dean: No.
Sam: (thinks hard) ...Happy Purim?

Dean: Can I shoot her? 
Sam: Not in public

Sam: What's going on with you Bela? You look like you've seen a ghost.
Bela: I saw the ship.
Dean: You what? ... Wow, you know I... I knew you were an immoral, thieving, con-artist b*tch, but just when I thought my opinion of you couldn't get any lower...

Bela: What is taking so long? Sam's already halfway there. With his date.
Dean: I am so not okay with this.
Bela: What are you, a woman? Come down already.
Dean: All right, get it out. I look ridiculous.
Bela: Not exactly the word I'd use.

Sam: Exactly how long do you expect me to entertain my date?
Bela: As long as it takes.
Dean: Look. There's security all over this place, alright. This is an uncrashable party, without Gert's invitation, so.
Sam: We can crash anything, Dean.
Dean: Yeah I know, but this is easier and a lot more entertaining.

Bela: That well, huh.
Dean: If you say "I told you so," I swear to God, I'll start swinging

Dean: This is where we parked the car, right?
Sam: I thought so.
Dean: Where's my car?
Sam: Did you feed the meter?
Dean: Yes I fed the meter. Sam, where's my car, did somebody... stole my car?
Sam: Hey-hey, calm down. Dean.
Dean: I'm calmed down. Somebody stole my c...
(Dean starts to hyperventilate)
Sam: Wow, Dean. Hey-hey-hey-hey, take it easy, take it easy.
(Dean hyperventilating; Bela arrives)
Bela: The 67' Impala, was that yours?
Sam: Bela.
Bela: I'm sorry, I had that car towed.
Dean: You what?
Bela: Well, it was in a tow-away zone.
Dean: No it wasn't.
Bela: It was when I finished with it.

S03E07: Fresh Blood

Bela: Gordon Walker paid me to tell him where you were.
Dean: Excuse me?
Bela: Well, he had a gun on me. What else was I supposed to do?
Dean: I don't know, maybe pick up the phone and tell us that a raging psychopath was dropping by?
Bela: I did fully intend to call. I just got a bit sidetracked.
Dean: He tried to kill us!
Bela: I'm sorry. I didn't realize it was such a big deal. After all, there are two of you and one of him.
Dean: There were two of them.

Dean: Well, what can I say? I'm a badass.

Sam: You know what, man? I'm sick and tired of your old stupid kamikaze trick.
Dean: Whoa, whoa. Kamikaze? I'm more like a ninja.
Sam: That's not funny.
Dean: It's a little funny.
Sam: No, it's not.

Dean: What do you want me to do, Sam, huh? Sit around all day writing sad poems about how I’m going to die? You know what, I’ve got one. Let’s see, what rhymes with "Shut up, Sam"?

S03E08: A Very Supernatural Christmas

Madge: Oh my goodness me somebody owes a nickel to the swear jar. Oh, you know what I say when I feel like swearing... fudge!
Dean: I will try to remember that

Sam: (getting off the phone with Bobby) Well, we're not dealing with the anti-Claus. 
Dean: What'd Bobby say?
Sam: Uh, that we're morons.

Dean: Wreaths, huh? Sure you didn't want to ask her about her shoes? I saw some nice handbags in the foyer

Santa's Elf: Welcome to Santa's Court. Can I escort your child to Santa?
Dean: Um, no. But actually, uh, my brother here, it's been a life long dream of his.
(Sam gives confused look)
Santa's Elf: I'm sorry, no kids over 12.
Sam: He's just kidding. We only came here to watch.
(Dean smirks and shakes his head)
Santa's Elf: Ewww.

Dean: We were playing Jenga over at the Walsh's the other night, and he hasn't shut up about this Christmas wreath. I don't know. (Looks over to Sam) You tell him.
Sam: Sure. (Sam pauses to look at shop owner) It was yummy.

Edward: Hear how they talk to us? (laughs) The Gods. Listen pal, back in the day we were worshipped by millions.
Dean: Times have changed. 

S03E09: Malleus Maleficarum

Dean: Why does a rabbit always get screwed in the deal? Poor little guy.

Dean: Stopped like stopped? They're human, Sam.
Sam: They're murderers.
Dean: Burn, witch, burn.

Dean: You saved my life.
Ruby: Don't mention it.
Dean: What was that stuff? God, it was ass. It tasted like ass.
Ruby: It's witchcraft, short bus. 
Dean: (mutters) You're the short bus, short bus...

Dean: Are you feeling okay?
Sam: (sighs) Why are you always asking me that?
Dean: 'Cos you're taking advice from a demon for starters. And by the way, you seem less and less worried about offing people. You know, it used to eat you up inside

S03E10: Dream A Little Dream of Me

Sam: It's been used by shamans and medicine men for centuries.
Dean: Let me guess, they dose up, break out the didgeridoos and start kicking around the hacky.

Dean: I take it we believe the legends.
Sam: When don't we?

Sam: One problem though: we are fresh out on African dream root, so unless you know someone who can score some...
Dean: Crap!
Sam: What?
Dean: Bela...
Sam: Bela? Crap!

Dean: Sam! Wake up!!
Sam: What? 
Dean: Dude, you were out, and making some serious happy noises. Who was it?
Sam: Who was what?
Dean: Come on, you can tell me. Angelina Jolie?
Sam: No.
Dean: Brad Pitt?
Sam: No. No!

Bobby: Before I knew it was him, he offered me a beer. I drank it. Dumbest friggin' thing.
Dean: Aw, I don't know. It wasn't that dumb.
Sam: Dean, you didn't.
Dean: I was thirsty.

Dean: Tell me you got something!
Bobby: Strip club was a bust, huh?
Dean: Yeah.
Bobby: That was our last lead.
Dean: What the hell, Bobby!
Bobby: Don't yell at me, boy. I am working my ass off. 

S03E11: Mystery Spot

Dean: All right, all right. We'll go tonight after closing, get us a nice long look. 
Sam: Wait… what? No!
Dean: Why not?
Sam: Uhh…. Let's just go now – right now. Business hours! Nice and crowded.
Dean: My god, you're a freak.

Sam: You don't remember any of this?
Dean: Remember what?
Sam: This. Today. Like - like it's happened before?
Dean: You mean like déjà vu?
Sam: No. I mean, like it's - like it's really happened before.
Dean: Yeah. Like déjà vu.
Sam: No! Forget about déjà vu! I'm asking you if it feels like we're living yesterday all over again?
Dean: (thinking) Okay, how is that not déjà -
Sam: Don't! Don't say it! Just don't.

Sam: Twice now I've watched you die and I can't. I won't do it again, okay? You're just gonna have to believe me. Please?
Dean: Okay. I still think you're nuts, but...

Sam and Dean (in unison): Right, you're a mind reader. Cut it out, Sam. Sam. You think you're funny but you're being really, really childish. Sam Winchester wears make-up. Sam Winchester cries his way through sex. Sam Winchester keeps a ruler by the bed and every morning when he wakes up... okay, enough!

Sam: I had a weird dream.
Dean: Yeah? Clowns or midgets?

S03E12: Jus In Bello

Henricksen: I shot the sheriff.
Dean: But you didn't shoot the deputy.

Sam: You were possessed.
Henricksen: Possessed like... possessed?
Sam: That's what it feels like. Now you know.
Dean: I owe you the biggest "I told you so" ever.

Henricksen: So, turns out demons are real.
Dean: F.Y.I. -- ghosts are real, too. So are werewolves, vampires, changelings, evil clowns that eat people.
Henricksen: Okay, then.
Dean: If it makes you feel better, Bigfoot's a hoax.
Henricksen: It doesn't.

Ruby: Does anyone have a breath mint? Some guts splattered in my mouth while I was killing my way in here.

Dean: I got virtue.
Ruby: Nice try! You're not a virgin.
Dean: Nobody's a virgin! No.. No way! You're kidding me, right? You're...? You've never... not even once? Not even...?
Nancy: What? It's a choice, okay?

S03E13: Ghostfacers

Maggie: Wait. Didn't you guys get, like a permit or something?
Ed: A permit?
Harry: That's a good idea for next time.

Harry: Ed, you got to go be gay for that poor dead intern! You gotta send him into the light

Dean: Hey, Ed, listen to me. There's some salt in my duffel. Make a circle and get inside.
Ed: Inside your duffel bag?
Dean: In the salt, you idiot!

Sam: Holy sh*t. 
Dean: What? 
Sam: West Texas - that tulpa we had to take out, those two goofballs who almost got us killed? Uh - uh, Hell Hounds, or somethin'? 
Dean: F*ck me.

S03E14: Long Distance Call

Sam: So you two were talking a case?
Dean: No, we were uh, we were actually talking about our feelings. And then our favorite boy bands. Yeah, we were talking a case.

Dean: I just talked to an 84-year old grandmother who's having phone sex with her husband who died in Korea.
Sam: Eww.
Dean: Completely rocked my understanding of the word "necrophilia".

Sam: I mean, Dad? You really think it was Dad?
Dean: I don't know. Maybe.
Sam: Well, what did he sound like?
Dean: Like Oprah. It was Dad, he sounded like Dad, what do you think?

Dean: (about John) I mean, what if he calls back?
Sam: So what, if he calls back?
Dean: What do I say?
Sam: Hello.
Dean: Hello?! That's the best you can come up with?

Dean: I see they improved your face. 
Sam: Right back at 'cha.

S03E15: Time On My Side

Sam: Remember that thing in the paper yesterday?
Dean: "Stripper suffocates dude with thighs"?

Sam: Right. So, doctors, they had to do whatever they could to keep the infections from spreading. One way was maggots.
Dean: Dude, I'm eating.
Sam: It actually kind of worked because maggots, they eat the bad tissue and they leave good tissue. And get this. When they found our guy, his body cavity was stuffed full of maggots.
Dean: Dude, I'm eating!

Rufus: Nope. You do her ear?
Dean: Sorry?
Rufus: You do her ear?
Dean: Hey man I'll try anything once, but I don't know, that sounds uncomfortable.

Dean: You make me sick.
Bela: Likewise.

Dean: I'll see you in Hell.

S03E16: No Rest For The Wicked

Ruby: Hey, Sam. How's tricks? You know, phones work too.

Ruby: I wish I could be there, Dean! I wish I could smell the flesh sizzle off your bones. I wish I could be there to hear you scream!
Dean: And I wish you'd shut your pie hole, but we don't always get what we want

Dean: What do you think?
Sam: I think you totally should have been jamming Eye of the Tiger right there.
Dean: Oh, bite me. I totally rehearsed that speech, too.

Bobby: Tell me. How many hallucinations have you had so far?
Dean: How'd you know?
Bobby: Because that's what happens when you've got hell hounds on your butt. And because I'm smart

Bobby: Well, you got just over five hours to go. You're piercing the veil, Dean, glimpsing the "B" side.
Dean: Little less New Agey, please.
Bobby: You're almost hell's bitch, so you can see hell's other b*tches.
Dean: Thank you.

Dean: I'm glad my doomed soul's good for something.

Sam: Bon Jovi?
Dean: Bon Jovi rocks! On occasion.

Dean: Oh.
Ruby: What?
Dean: Nothing. I just couldn't see you before, but you are one ugly broad.

So that's that...
Fun Fact? season 3 is the shortest of all season up until season 7- i mean how do i know what season 8 gonna be rite?

well the complexity of the series i think start on season 3... i mean the starters when Dean died and brought back to life in season 4 but then who says it's a bad thing?

yes the series become heavier but that's the beauty of Supernatural.. it is the opposite the derivation of Fourier equation~~~ the longer it is the more complex it become, the annoyed level increase.. XP

okay that's that
papai ^^~

Monday, October 8, 2012

lesson in life yg tertunda n then x jadi terus...=_=

so okay back to kisah makan2 antara saye, Leeya n MArjorie (yng tertangguh dulu)

well masa dalam kereta, Marjorie mula bising pasal she have a job interview and she asked our opinion about what to wear and what to say

tho she actually didnt even need any advice from us...

but as a friend i told her some dos and donts that she might know already n Leeya add more since i am the one with the least experience

heck i've been in interview room, some i succeed and some i dont

n i used to play interviewer too

but then who said it was easy? i mean i was in both positions but for giving advice, i'm a sucker for it

then Leeya said

"Jorie ko lebih tahu dari kitorg... ko yg paling banyak pegang jawatan masa sekolah dulu"

then Marjorie said something that actually make me feel sentap-hati-mak-nak....

"Korg ingat walaupun aku pegang jawatan aku x pernah nervous ke? Well like manusia, we never stop learning and this whole thing is quite new to me"
"well tho i'm used to it but at some point it always a new point n i need some fresh views"

i understand what she means... i mean nervous strike anyone and no one save from it

over confident always bring to self destruction

**** hmm actually i forgot the rest....

one lesson? jangan makan semut.... dah lupa nak tulis apa...

okay la
that's that...
papai ^^~

Friday, October 5, 2012

what i think of Supernatural Season 8 premiere

well i already watch season 8 premiere of Supernatural ^^~

well no way in hell i hate that but it is me or the series itself gone wayyyy too dark?

i mean, yea i know why...

 Dean in Purgatory, he befriend a vamp, Cass couldnt make it in there (according to Dean ~~ heck i hope he's lying), Sam stop hunting, Kevin accepting his fate, Bobby's dead... i mean, the list still goes on

but the gore level get higher aee?

couldnt blame the writer, i mean, it all start great with this new season and i wouldnt regret watching it ever but i think Dean became a butt buddy with a vamp named Benny really creepy..

but then who didnt like Dean's sense of humor? which by all that means in season 8 it become dark and the joke is no more haha sarcastic typical Dean's but scary Dean

what's so great with this episode 1?

i love all aspect of it!! ^^~

down from Dean dug Benny's bones until Crowley's killing Channing (Kevin's girlfriend) - gosh i told ya it get's creepier and creepier every season but this season take the crown ^^~

and did i mentioned i love most quotes in this new episode?

"Well I guess standing too close to exploding Dick sending your ass straight to Purgatory"

"Well.. no visible sign of douchery. I'll give u that"

and maaannnyyy more

okla that ^^~

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

awkward moment n the lesson in life

ok, yesterday me n my long lost besties (Leeya and Marjorie) ajak mamam2 dekat kedai jual burger bakar... walopun saye agak kaya n berjawatan CEO agak pokai, saye ikut la jugak la just to take my mind off some annoying things happen around me lately.

nak dijadikan kesah, sesi mamam2 yang berlangsung lebih dari sejam (what u expect when 3 best friends sit together?) tetiba jadi awkward bila someone came and asked if the extra chair where we used to place our bags is belong to anyone. Well she came with this guy which we know as one of the douche to "not-so-cute" community like "us". I mean that was like long time ago, when we were "young and stupid" but scars not heal that easy especially to my best friend, Leeya.

I mean Leeya used to have self esteem problem. She used to be this chubby kids with pimples all over and her voice is quite "loud" even when she talk normally. So, she afraid to talk to anyone.

I have almost the same problem up until now. I have this chubby (some might call fat ~~ go ahead, idc) figure, i am not as fair as the other but i guess my self esteem problem struck sometimes.

Marjorie Tan is my friend from KL. When I moved to Seremban, her parents moved here too. Marjorie, unlike any Chinese girl i know actually quite the opposite. Yea her parents are rich but she love sitting with everyone. She embrace the concept of 1 Malaysia truly but the boys always think she is too loud and 'gila kuasa'.

i used to tell her what ppl think of others make me uncomfortable but she would say
"alaa.. macam mana semua orang kata kita baik pun, ada yang nampak keburukan kita"

i mean, she's right ^^~

owh back to the actual stories.

long story short, Marjorie told the girl that she can have the chair but the guy who with her said they want to sit with us. I mean, we're talking girls issue here and a guy and his gf asking to sit with us for no reason?

well, Leeya have a good sense of memory so she send massages to our phone saying 
"tu Mizah ngan Ajib la..."

then the girl who Leeya refer as Mizah said that they know us. i mean i still cant remember but then Marjorie told me that Ajib is the guy who put Leeya through hell. Then it struck me. 

tho me n Leeya n i believe Marjorie too are uncomfortable to allow the couple to sit with us, i guess Marjorie just want to be polite and allow them.
then the merry moment fade. The atmosphere became awkward. 
No one's talking.

"So, apa korang buat sini?" asked Marjorie.
"Makan la" jwb Ajib

then kami makan cepat2 n drive to some other place lepas bayar.

owh btw kami naik keta Marjorie.

************* to be continued*******************

actually saye ade hal so nnt sambung ye ^^~

Monday, September 24, 2012

my favorite Supernatural Season 2 quotes ^^~ (finally)

okay 1st thing 1st...

last week, my friend called asking about when the next season of Supernatural will come out... btw it's Oct 3rd ye...

and once i answered that and mumbling that i cant wait to watch 1st episode of Season 8 (i mean come on!! tho it's like the season 3 finale but i am dying to now what happen next plus i need to keep my reputation of die hard fans..hehe)

and she goes..." Alamak!! biarla lewat sikit.. baru start tengok season 1"

pergghh!! girl u outta ya mind? ppl cant wait for new season n u just want to postpone it??
dah le, dorg slalu hold 2-3 weeks before getting to next episode... boleh suruh hold Season 8??
no way in hell ppl gonna let that happen sweetie!

then "aku baru tengok season 1 sbb ko cuma update quote season 1 aje.."

cheh? saye plak dijadikan sebab awak lambat kenal citer tu?? adush!

so okay la.. sbb dah lama sngat saye hold n janji, okla janji ditepati!

btw i cant decide my fav quotes in Season 2 since my fav episode so far is Season 2...

not that i dont like others season but i think season 2 is kindda less conflict, more fighting/dealing with demon/ghost, and of course la brother's relationship that i love the most in the series.

so ok pedehal banyak sangat.. ni dia..^^~

S02E01: In My Time Of Dying

Dean: Dude, I full on swayz'ed that mother

Dean: Basically they can make themselves appear however they want... Like say.. A pretty girl. 
      You're much prettier than the last reaper I met

Tessa: What are you, some kind of New Agey guy?
Dean:  You see me messing with crystals and listening to Yanni?

Sam: So what, are we supposed to do, just sit here with our thumbs up our ass?

S02E02: Everybody Loves A Clown

Dean: You know what? You're Right. Come here. I'm gonna lay my head gently on your shoulder. 
      Maybe we can even cry, hug. Maybe even slowdance.

Ash: All business up front, party in the back.

Dean: Planes crash, Sam!
Sam: And apparently clowns kill!

Mr. Cooper: You two have never worked a show in your lives before, have you?
Dean: Nope. But we really need the work. So... and ah, Sam here's got a thing for the bearded lady

S02E03: Bloodlust

Dean: Listen to her purr. You ever listen to anything so sweet? 
Sam: You now, if you two want to get a room, just let me know Dean
Dean: Oh dont listen to him, baby (the Impala). He doesn't understand

Sam: I thought you said Gordon was a good hunter?
Ellen: Yeah, and Hannibal Lecter is a good psychiatrist

S02E04: Children Should Not Play With Dead Things

Dean: Neil, it's your grief counselors. We've come to hug

Sam: Where were you ?
Dean: Just working my imaginary case.

(Sam and Dean have finally dug the coffin up)
Dean: (points at coffin) Ladies first.

S02E05: Simon Said

Jo: What?
Dean: REO Speedwagon?
Jo: Damn right, REO, Kevin Cronin sings it from the heart.
Dean: He sings it from the hair, there's a difference.

Sam: Dean! Andy has the Impala!
Dean: I know! He just sort of asked me for it, and then I let him take it...
Sam: You what?!
Dean: He full-on Obi-Wanned me! It's mind control, man!

Andy: Are you really this stupid? You learn you've got a twin, You call him up, you go out for a drink! You don't start killing people!

S02E06: No Exit

Dean: Young girl got kidnapped by an evil cult.
Sam: Yeah, and does this girl have a name?
Dean: Katie Holmes.

Ellen: Guys, bad time.
Sam: Yes mam.
Dean: Yeah, we rarely drink before ten anyway

S02E07: The Unusual Suspects

Dean: What do you think, Scully, want to check it out?
Sam: I'm not Scully, you're Scully.
Dean: No, I'm Mulder. You're a red-headed woman

Sheridan: You murdered them in cold blood just like that girl in St. Louis.
Dean: Oh, yeah, that wasn't me either. That was a shapeshifter creature that only looked like me

S02E08: Crossroad Blues

Sam: So?
Dean: The secretary's name is Carly. She's 23, she kayaks, and they're real.
Sam: You didn't happen to ask her if she's seen any black dogs lately, did you?
Dean: Every complaint called in this week about everything big, black or dog-like. There's 19 calls in all. And I don't know what this thing is.
Sam: You mean Carly's MySpace address?
Dean: Yeah, MySpace. What the hell is that? Seriously, is that, like, some sort of porn site?

Dean: So you know who I am.
Crossroad Demon: I get the newsletter.

S02E09: Croatoan

Sam: Didn't you pay any attention in school?
Dean: Yeah. How bills become laws, the shot heard 'round the world...
Sam: That's not school! That's Schoolhouse Rock!
Dean: .... Whatever

Duane: Has anyone seen my mom and dad?
Dean: (has shot and killed both) Awkward

S02E10: Hunted

Sam: Are you okay?
Ava: Am I okay? I just helped you steal some dead guy's confidential file. I'm AWESOME!

Dean: This is a whole new level of moronic, even for you

Sam: All right, so where to next, man?
Dean: One word, Amsterdam.
Sam: Dean!
Dean: Come on, man. I hear the coffee shops don’t even serve coffee

Ellen: Now, Dean, they say you can’t protect your loved ones forever. Well, I say screw that -- what else is family for?

S02E11: Playthings

Dean: we gotta figure this out and fast. so what did ya find out about granny? 
Dean: what?
Sam: you're bossy.....and short! (chuckles)
Dean: are you drunk!?
Sam: yeah! so.........stupid! 
Dean: dude come on! what do ya think we're working a case!?

Sam: So it can't be Rose. Heck, maybe it's not even hoodoo.
Dean: You know, she could be faking.
Sam: Yeah, what do you wanna do, poke her with a stick? (Dean nods) Dude, you are not gonna poke her with a stick!

Dean: Hey, are those antique dolls? ‘Cause this one, this one here, he has a major doll collection back home. (grins at Sam) Don’t ya?
Sam: (reluctantly) Big time.
Dean: Big time. Yeah, you think he could come… well, we could come in and take a look?
Susan: I don’t know…
Dean: Please? Please, I mean he loves them. He’s not gonna tell you this, but he’s always dressing ‘em up in these little tiny outfits and I mean, you’d make his day. She would, huh?
Sam: (glaring at Dean) It’s true.

S02E12: Nighshifter

Dean: Looks like Mr. Okey-dokey is... okey-dokey.

Ronald: This is not a robbery! Everybody on the floor, now!

Ronald: The thing I let into the bank... wasn't Juan. I mean, it had his face, but it wasn't his face. Ah, every detail was perfect but too perfect, you know, like if a dollmaker made it, like I was talking to a big Juan doll.
Sam: A Juan doll?

S02E13: Houses of the Holy

Dean: You know what, there's a ton of lore on unicorns too. In fact, I hear that they ride on silver moonbeams, and that they shoot rainbows out of their ass!
Sam: Wait. there's no such thing as unicorns?
Dean: That's cute

Dean: Well, I learned a valuable lesson. Always take down your Christmas decorations after New Years, or you might get filleted by hooker from God. HA!

Dean: Man, you have got to try this because there really is magic in the magic fingers.
Sam: Dude. You're enjoying that way too much. It's kinda making me uncomfortable.
Dean: What am I supposed to do? You got me on lockdown here. I'm bored out of my skull.
Sam: Hey, you were the bank robber on the 11 o'clock news, not me.

Sam: Dude, all right, I'll admit, we've gone pretty ghetto with spellwork before, but this takes the cake! I mean, a Spongebob placemat instead of an altar cloth?!
Dean: We'll just put it Spongebob-side down

S02E14: Born Under a Bad Sign

Dean: This guy? (to Sam) You were drinking malt liquor? 
Clerk: Not after he whipped the bottle at my friggin’ head! 
Dean: This guy? 
Clerk: What, am I speaking Urdu?

Manager: It’s past checkout and I’ve got a couple here who needs a room. 
Dean: Yeah, I bet they do.

Dean: (talking on the phone) Hi, so sorry to bother you but, my son snuck out of the house last night and went to a Justin Timberlake concert... What? Uhhh yeah... Justin's quite the triple threat.

S02E15:Tall Tales

Dean: What the hell?!
Sam: I don't know.
Dean: Well seriously dude, what the hell?!
Sam: (yells) I don't know!! I mean first The Haunting, now this? The timing alone. There's gotta be some sort of connection here.
Dean: What? You mean between the angry spirit and uh... the sexed up ET? What could the connection possibly be?

Dean: You heard of what happened to him right?
Frat Guy: Yeah, he said it was aliens... but you know, whatever.
Sam: Look man, I know this all has to be so hard...
Frat Guy: Not so much.
Sam: But I want you to know... I'm here for you. (pause) You brave little soldier. I acknowledge your pain. Come here. (hugs him) Too precious for this world.

Bobby: If you two had bothered to pull your heads out of your asses, it all would’ve been pretty clear.
Dean: What?
Bobby: What you’re dealing with.
Dean: I got nothing. 
Sam: Me neither.
Bobby: You got a trickster on your hands.
Dean: That’s what I thought!
Sam: No, you didn't!!

Sam: Dean. This is a very serious investigation. We don't have time for any of your blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah. Blah... blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah. Blah

S02E16: Roadkill

Molly: Oh, thank God!
Dean: Call me Dean

Sam: Now you can walk in there, and we're not gonna stop you.
Dean: Yeah, but you are gonna freak him right out... for life.

Dean: (to Molly) Sam's always getting a little J. Love Hewitt when it comes to things like this

S02E17: Heart

Sam: Dean, could you be a bigger geek about this?
Dean: I'm sorry man, but what about a human by day, a freak animal killing machine by night don't you understand? I mean, werewolves are badass. We haven't seen one since we were kids.
Sam: Okay, Sparky. And you know what? After we kill it, we can go to Disneyland!

Sam: (answers his cell) Hey.
Dean: I found him.

Sam: Good, don't keep your eyes off him.
Dean: (looks at stripper) Oh, my eyes are glued. Look Sammy I gotta let 'cha go I uh (clears throat) I don't wanna miss anything. (gives the stripper a dollar and hangs up his cell)

Dean: (to Madison) How you doin'? My head feels great. Thanks

Sam: Can I ask you a question? I, it's, it's a little personal.
Madison: You've seen my entire underwear collection. Go ahead

S02E18 Hollywood Babylon

Brad: Uh, excuse me, green-shirt guy? Yeah, yeah, you, come here. Could you get me a smoothie from craft?
Dean: You want a what from who?

Dean: Sam, check it out, it's Matt Damon.
Sam: Yeah, pretty sure that's not Matt Damon.
Dean: No, it is.
Sam: Well, Matt Damon just picked up a broom and started sweeping.

Sam: You know, maybe the spirits are trying to shut down the movie because they think it sucks. 'Cause, I mean, it kind of does

Dean: What's a PA?
Sam: I think they're kinda like slaves

S02E19: Folsom Prison Blues

Sam: You're sure it's him?
Dean: Pretty sure.
Sam: Considering our circumstances I'm gonna need a little bit better than 'pretty sure'.
Dean: Really pretty sure.

Dean: Save room for dessert, Tiny, hehe. Hey, I'd wanna ask you, 'cos I couldn't not notice you are two tones of fun. Just curious, is this like thyroid problem or is this some deep self-esteem issue? 'Cause you know, they're just donuts, they're not love.

Dean: Would you look at that? I'm freaking velvety smooth.
Sam: You may wanna be open it up after, you know, you're done slapping yourself on the back?

Sam: How you doing?
Randall: I’m 54 years old, mopping the floors of a crapper with bars on the window. How do you think I’m doing?

Henricksen: You think you're funny?
Dean: I think I'm adorable.

S02E20: What Is And What Should Never Be

Dean: Oh, Auntie Em. There’s no place like home.
Sam: Thank God. I thought I lost you for a second.
Dean: You almost did.

Sam: You're having some kind of psychotic breakdown.
Dean: I wish

Carmen: What do you say later we get you a cheeseburger?
Dean: Oh god yes. How’d I end up with such a cool chick?
Carmen: I just got low standards

Dean: That lawn looks like it could use some mowing.
Mary: You want to mow the lawn?
Dean: Are you kidding me, I'd love to mow the lawn.
Mary: Knock yourself out. You'd think you've never mowed a lawn in your life.

S02E21: All Hell Break Loose pt 1

Sam: We're looking for iron, silver, salt, anything that can be used as a weapon.
Jake: Salt is a weapon?
Sam: It's a brave new world.
Andy: Well, I hope there's food in your new world, 'cause I'm friggin' starving

Dean: Don't forget the extra onions this time!
Sam: Dude, I'm the one who's gonna have to ride in the car with your extra onions.
Dean: Hey, see if they've got any pie. Bring me some pie. I love me some pie

Ava: My fiancĂ©, Brady, if I’ve been missing for that long he must be freaking out! (notices Andy)
Andy: Hey. Andy. Also freaking out.

Sam: I've seen that bell before. I think I know where we are now. Cold Oak, South Dakota, a town so haunted, every single resident fled.
Ava: Swell... Good to know we're somewhere so historical

S02E22: All Hell Break Loose pt 2

Bobby: What is it with you Winchesters? Huh? You, your dad, you're both just itching to throw yourselves down the pit.

Yellow Eyed Demon: So, Dean. I gotta thank you. You see, demons can't resurrect people unless a deal is made. I know, red tape, it'll make you nuts. But thanks to you, Sammy's back in rotation. I wasn't counting on that, but I'm glad. I liked him better than Jake anyhow.

Yellow Eyed Demon: Boys shouldn't play with Daddy's guns.

Bobby: I could throttle you. 
Dean: What? And send me downstairs ahead of schedule?

Jake: Go to Hell.
Yellow Eyed Demon: Been there, done that

well since janji ditepati sudah, saye x berjanji nak cepatkn buat quote season 3 tp saye cuba secepat yg boleh

tapi dalam banyak2 characters memang saye sangat suka Dean.. i even love to quote him.. hehe
yup, he's too funny ^^~

that's that
papai ^^~

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