memula memang ingat nak buat entri "Demam pt 2" coz jumpa la sikit idea2 yang agak2 bernas...tapi recently saye asyik terbaca keluhan student2 yang xdapat asrama/kolej (UMS) yang somehow buat saye how do i put this...macam2 la rase... nak marah ade, kesian ade, diskriminasi kurang terpimpin ade...mcm2 la...but one of the feeling that i think x patut ade tapi dituju jugak kat sesetengah orang is meluat (no offence)...bukan bermaksud ape but some ppl deserve that (gonna stress that NOT ALL)...n the reason i post this entry bukan nak hina sapa2 ok but utk ingatkan aje...
okay before anyone gonna put me and say "dia xpe la coz dia dapat kolej", let me remind everyone yang the reason ppl dapat kolej is because they earn that with their butt got kicked off and some even with their butt getting kicked but dont get to stay, it because there always other elements like pointer (CGPA), attitude, and a bit luck might be help... so saye bukan nak tuduh sape2 layak n x layak n bukan nak bangga diri pon but please la... kepada yang x layak tu bagi peluang pada yang mmng deserve kolej kediaman ni... i'm not gonna say saye 100% layak tinggal di kolej kediaman but as i said earlier, i try my best n get my ass kicked... and based on pengalaman n Che Dat (Dr M) pernah cakap "Melayu mudah lupa" coz from what i observe, rata2 yang x dapat kolej kediaman pernah x dapat jugak dulu n apply n merempat illegally kat bilik orang but what i can see is that they never learn from their mistake (i got to observe them real close)... owh btw saye x cakap semua ye... coz saye faham tinggal kat "oversea" ni fulus yang klua lagi banyak dari masuknya... nak2 yang rajin jalan2 n shopping... duit kelua macam air...
masa saye tahun 1 dulu, saye amat2 beruntung coz mantan2 bilik saye merupakan senior yang ade pengalaman n jawatan (bukan kes kaki ampu ye) which dorang mmng x lokek utk share experiences n consequences of our act... saye banyak belajar dari Kak Ada (mantan S/U JAKMAS CD 09/10), Kak Ching (s/u Barrack Obama =P) n Kak Shalini (peniaga lobster berjaya)..x lupa jugak mantan2 JAKMAS 09/10 (Kak Tinni, Kak Azzah, Abang Haniff, Abang Helmi, Abang Kamal, Kak Tiffany, n sumer la include sumer sekretariat skali...x larat nak list pjg2)... manusia2 ni semua banyak tolong bagi nasihat n give me one hell of fun year... THANK YOU EVERYONE!!!
oppsss...sorry saye mmng suka lari topik (kalu interview ni dah lama kena reject huhuhu) so based on nasihat2 espesially from Kak Ada n Abang Helmi (boss saye), i know that i need to work hard just to stay for one year in college... that's include my education too (ye la klu kena kick dari U plak ape la maknanya dapat kolej kediaman ye x??) so pada mana2 yang x pernah dapat nasihat dari yang pakar (biar la berjela2 dah nasihat from pengetua kolej dah post dlm FB, felo2 n JAKMAS2) let me stress that mmng betul aktiviti universiti penting tapi korang selain result yang teruk yang akan halang korang sambung belajar, korang x aktif pun xpe... but masing2 pandai la fikir sendiri..xkan korang nak hulur sijil SPM/STPM/Matrikulasi/Diploma je masa interview nnt...mana soft-skill, hard-skill n ape2 skill lagi mahasiswa disitu??? not to mention one hell of treasure experience u'll get in various programs that u join... saye sendiri bukan la Dean list n dengan mengaktifkan diri ni somehow buat saya slipped a bit from my trail n facing my great fall tapi saye puas (skip my CGPA) coz i learn how to hold myself together n get the job done ^^~
walopun banyak kali lepas abis je program atau masa program i will say "taubat dah..lepas ni klu ade ape2 program jangan harap saye join" and sometimes feels like kita je yang buat kerja n at some unlucky time bila kita mmng xde masa nak bagi perhatian kat org sekeliling but our work, tetiba deadline untuk assignment like 24 hours away, esok ade presentation tapi kena balik lebih pukul 2 pagi n much more (termasuk penunggu setia- anjings) tapi at the end kepuasan tu mmng x dpt digambarkan... u get new friends, experience, nasihat2 dari pakar (ie felo or yang lagi atas dari kita) on how things works but yang penting at the end u'll say "memang penat tapi best"... n i found myself now mampu bekerja under very hard how is that??? even when i told my dad he replied "that just apart of ur future working experiences" and no way in hell i'm gonna say how unlucky i am...
n betul some says, "kitorg dah join macam2 program tapi xdpt jugak!" it is becoz of something else, like i say, there's other elements u need to consider as well bukannya how active u r in college je, i mean n i agree with concept kita masuk U ni mmng untuk gengam sijil, pakai graduation cap and so on tapi like i said earlier what's the point? takkan nak hulur sijil lahir je kat interviewer nnt? but like my mum always say, "main 2 main la jugak but belajar tu benda utama, we send u to UMS utk belajar and gain experiences"...and have fun in addition ...n kat sini juga saya nak stress yang mana kalau korang join mana2 program but as peserta je, the point u will get is lower dari yang pegang jawatan, that is why saye slalu cakap, join banyak2 program xpe coz somehow orang atas akan nampak kita n mungkin korang akan pegang jawatan pulak mcam cakap mat salleh, learn from baby-steps...
n klu nak mention CGPA, yes as i said i'm gun 4 dean list n that is the main reason saye masuk UMS...diulangi UMS bukan KOLEJ KEDIAMAN, but if u wanna keep both, work harder, easy equation la dear, it's not rocket science, so kalau korang kata susah la macam ni, think again, ade ke benda senang dalam dunia ni? even nak blink one eye pun brapa banyak muscle u need to move and of course u need to do a bit sacrifice.. again semua benda mesti ada pengorbanan like one touch of thing, how many cells on ur skin dies? that is secrifice in my book...natural order... simple la tu..
and as i said a bit of luck might even help...coz bukan sorang je yang apply kolej kediaman so yeah, i think u need to have a little luck...
the reason i'm telling ppl this especially utk my next batch coz to be honest mmng betul kalau x dapat kolej boleh buat rayuan n kalau dapat tu please be grateful n try to keep it that way klu mmng bercita2 nak tinggal kat kolej lagi in the next year coz this is one hell of competition, students increases every year and that is the fact, semua boleh nampak... kalau dah dapat kolej tu jangan la (PLEASE) ada perseption "alah, senang je kalau dah apply confirm dapat, buat macam tu la next year pun" coz u never can predict the future...
so, before i end this, i'm apologizing kalau ade yang terasa hati coz i speak with my experiences (yang maybe x banyak tapi batter dari diam aje) good luck la ye sape yang dalam proses nak apply college tu n klu x dapat pun do something that prove u really worth to be in the college... so next year boleh cuba lagi ^^~ adios..PAPAIII
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Sunday, June 26, 2011
"DeMam" pT 1
tengah busan2 saye pon cadang nak tengok TV la, n bila saya on je TV, saya tengok TV3 so memandangkan dah pukul 4 ptg n ari Sabtu so confirm la sangat my dad suspek terakhir yang tengok TV sebelum beliau off kan TV tu. beliau mesti baru abis tengok citer hindusta!! LALALA....hahaha!!>.<!!
tetiba saya teringat "demam" dulu2 n "demam" sekarang... hehehe!!
basically saya kena "demam" macam ni awal sikit dari orang len so bila "demam" 2 dah reda org len baru nak kena... so i was like.."adoi... xde citer len ke??" walopun citer 2 tengah top satu Malaysia...
so when i was 10 i was like get "Hindi movie addict" syndrome... tapi yang zaman saye la era the King of Khan... hahaha... bukan zaman my dad n my mum dulu... mmng sangat2 fanatik la saye kat citer hindustan ni... u name any actors or actresses such as Shah Rukh Khan, Salman Khan, Aamir Khan, Kublai Khan, Shah Jehan, Karisma Kapoor, Kajol and many more and i will go like "owh yang citer terbaru dia (pape je la) tu kan? boleh la citer tu.." n my favorite actor time tu Salman Khan n actress plak Karisma Kapoor... hahaha!! kalau x kenal x pe.. tapi dorang agak feymes la n time 2 citer dorang belakon semua jadik feveret saye... my favorite of course "Chal Mere Bhai" n macam foreign movie addict yang len, saye tetibe je ade kebolehan "cakap" n "faham" bahasa Hindi time tu... hahaha!! latest Hindi movie yg saye tengok kindda like early this year entitled "3 Idiots"... hero dia Aamir Khan n heroin dia Kareena Kapoor...hahaha^^
pastu lepas je abes "demam" citer hindustan datang plak "demam" len.. this time demam telenovela Latin plak... citer 1st yang saye tengok is Maria Mercedes... tapi time 2 dorang buat Malay dubbing.. tapi abes je citer Maria Mercedes Benz tu dorang dah x dubbing dah..time tu slot paling feymes kat ntv7 la... citer yang saye ingat La Usurpadora, Mis Tres Hermanas, Mi Gorda Bella n Yo Soy Betty La Fea, Rosalinda... and i guess there's many more... n punya la power citer2 latin time 2 bila banay drama Melayu or US boleh remake citer tu utk version sendiri... macam xde idea len je kan?? n time 2 saye mula berminat nak bla bahasa Latin tapi ade beberapa ayat je saye master...huhuhu
then datang plak demam citer drama Thailand.. saye macam biase just follow few drama je then stop..drama yang saye follow time tu called "Phoenix Blood", "Soda n Iced Tea" and few more la. pastu macam biasa la zaman berubah lagik.. kiranya zaman drama Thailand ni x lama la pun...kejap je (tapi kalu citer seram ngarut2 dia mmng x pernah nak abis agi...)...
pastu datang plak zaman citer Filipina, ni pon cam citer Thailand jugak..kejap je dia punya pengaruh... saye cume berperasaan tengok satu drama kat TV3 je called "Habang Kapiling Ka" tapi cam besa la...orang len punya "demam" mmng lambat nak abes...banyak lagik la drama dorg follow tp tah la.. saye rasa terlalu panjang sangat nak follow so saya moved on ke drama len plak..
time lepas tu drama Jepun plak.. mmng zaman before i was born ade citer Jepon sampai my mum follow like any other housewife.. adeke after i was born sebab terpengaruh sangat she kept my hair like the kid in that drama?? mmng x patut...but back then orang slalu ingat saye punya muka macam anak Jepun..tapi that was before-before ye...zaman saye plak zaman JPop melanda muka bumi Malaysia tanah airku... n saye pon layankan je coz citer jepun x panjang n merapu2 sangat...paling merapu pun mungkin citer Ultraman je la...hahah^^~ owh saye layan citer Hero n Power Office Girls time tu...hahha
pastu timbul plak sinetron Indonesia... mesti ramai yang ingat citer Bawang Merah Bawang Putih (or vice versa)... tapi punya la panjang.. abis satu konflik datang konflik len... nak dijadikan citer..saya x follow pun sinetron ni coz penat la... lar cuba bayangkan, 1 complete season Supernatural yang dorang tayang kat TV seminggu sekali tu habis dulu tapi sinetron plak yang tayang Isnin-Jumaat x abes2 lagik... mmng penat nak tengok la.. belum tambah merepek meraban ngan magik segala bagai lagi... sampai skunk "demam" sinetron ni ade lagi tapi x berapa na kuat la... p/s: my mum sampai skunk tiap2 petang tercangak depan TV tengok sinetron Cinta Melody... bila nak abes pon x taw...
pastu datang lagi satu "demam"..citer Korea plak..macam citer Jepun... citer Korea ni pon x panjang sangat so boleh la difollow sikit2.. drama 1st saya tengok is "Successful Story of a Bright Girl" n paling feymes tapi oleh la saya follow (itu pun lepas kena tayang balik) is Full House... siap dorang "melayukan" theme song citer 2... tah la... saya kena "demam" ni sekejap jugak.. nak dijadikan citer, ada satu citer Korea yang ditayang petang2 waktu Maghrib masa saye form 5 dulu (masa 2 saya dok kat hostel STTJ) n memandangkan bebudak ni saaaannnggggaaaatttt la fanatik, dorang tulis surat mintak kebenaran kat warden utk x pergi surau masa Maghrib bagi yg "cuti" utk tengok citer tu...not only we got a big NO tapi semua resident aspuri kena denda!! memang saye berapi betol la time tu...hahaha... n citer korea ni selari ngan demam KPop so boleh la tengok style Adam Lambert wannabe... celak2 tebal n so on... hahaha!! btw my sis still in this Korean thing... so does most of my friends...
ni plak zaman Vampire...lepas Stephenie Mayer tulis Twilight tu..n dorang filemkan..memang bersepah2 vampire wannabe ni..kembali ke imej Goth cam era MCR n Evanenscence plak... siap ada satu episode ngan senang hati di dedicate utk vampire (n werewolf) wannabe dalam Supernatural...mmng melampau tapi WTH, it's entertaining somehow LOL.. btw since saya tengok Supernatural, i never watch this vampire drama crap like True Blood, Vampire Diaries etc.. macam2...hahaha...

so that's that...nothing much just something as my observation... i'll be back with movies plak...n maybe music or fashion...
tetiba saya teringat "demam" dulu2 n "demam" sekarang... hehehe!!
basically saya kena "demam" macam ni awal sikit dari orang len so bila "demam" 2 dah reda org len baru nak kena... so i was like.."adoi... xde citer len ke??" walopun citer 2 tengah top satu Malaysia...


then datang plak demam citer drama Thailand.. saye macam biase just follow few drama je then stop..drama yang saye follow time tu called "Phoenix Blood", "Soda n Iced Tea" and few more la. pastu macam biasa la zaman berubah lagik.. kiranya zaman drama Thailand ni x lama la pun...kejap je (tapi kalu citer seram ngarut2 dia mmng x pernah nak abis agi...)...
pastu datang plak zaman citer Filipina, ni pon cam citer Thailand jugak..kejap je dia punya pengaruh... saye cume berperasaan tengok satu drama kat TV3 je called "Habang Kapiling Ka" tapi cam besa la...orang len punya "demam" mmng lambat nak abes...banyak lagik la drama dorg follow tp tah la.. saye rasa terlalu panjang sangat nak follow so saya moved on ke drama len plak..
time lepas tu drama Jepun plak.. mmng zaman before i was born ade citer Jepon sampai my mum follow like any other housewife.. adeke after i was born sebab terpengaruh sangat she kept my hair like the kid in that drama?? mmng x patut...but back then orang slalu ingat saye punya muka macam anak Jepun..tapi that was before-before ye...zaman saye plak zaman JPop melanda muka bumi Malaysia tanah airku... n saye pon layankan je coz citer jepun x panjang n merapu2 sangat...paling merapu pun mungkin citer Ultraman je la...hahah^^~ owh saye layan citer Hero n Power Office Girls time tu...hahha
pastu timbul plak sinetron Indonesia... mesti ramai yang ingat citer Bawang Merah Bawang Putih (or vice versa)... tapi punya la panjang.. abis satu konflik datang konflik len... nak dijadikan citer..saya x follow pun sinetron ni coz penat la... lar cuba bayangkan, 1 complete season Supernatural yang dorang tayang kat TV seminggu sekali tu habis dulu tapi sinetron plak yang tayang Isnin-Jumaat x abes2 lagik... mmng penat nak tengok la.. belum tambah merepek meraban ngan magik segala bagai lagi... sampai skunk "demam" sinetron ni ade lagi tapi x berapa na kuat la... p/s: my mum sampai skunk tiap2 petang tercangak depan TV tengok sinetron Cinta Melody... bila nak abes pon x taw...


so that's that...nothing much just something as my observation... i'll be back with movies plak...n maybe music or fashion...
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Rise Against - Make It Stop (September's Children)
i'm not usually listen to the other band for no reason except i'm bored and got nothing to do..
name few famous band or singer and some of them i dont even recall or even know they're exist coz i really hate to give them a chance...
take Justin Bieber for instance, ppl worldwide know him but the reason know him is quite a year later after i accidently watch his MV in Hitz.TV with Rascall Flats in a songs called "That Should Be Me" and i was like so this is Bieber? i know Rascall Flats but never heard of Bieber and worse my bro goes like "u never heard of Baby?" and i goes like "I thought it's another BSB wannabe"
seriously sometimes i think i live in my own world... i dont even watch Glee coz idk why... maybe i hate musical? but if i say i just live in my own world that could be terribly lie coz there's peoples live there too but not so many... i mean my own clan..
okay, this morning i watch Oprah Winfrey Show and it's about kids getting bullied in school in US... well basically they cant stand that (the bullies) anymore and decided to commit suicide and i think that is not fair...
yeah i know some place in my beloved Malaysia have that issues (that have been reported) but what if the one we didnt know? i mean who stand up for them? i have a friend who use to be the victim and i think she's lucky, she got strength to stand against them and somehow she finished high school at the same place she got bullied... some bully cases so big that ppl notice that but some dont go physical, they goes mental torture like name calling and so on which i think affect the victim more...
well then i found this song that actually dedicated to the victim and i think this song is one hell of the song...sounds pretty wicked too... and since i barely moved to listen to the other band coz i'm afraid they might not suit me, i think this band really done a great job but i havent checked out their other songs... btw the band is kindda famous (outside my world)
Rise Against - Make It Stop (September's Children)
Woah, woah.
Bang bang go the coffin nails, like a breath exhaled,
Been gone forever.
It seems just like yesterday, how did I miss the red flags raised?
Think back to the days we laughed.
We braved these bitter storms together.
Brought to his knees he cried,
But on his feet he died.
What God would damn a heart?
And what God drove us apart?
What God could make it stop?
Let this end.
Eighteen years pushed to the ledge.
It's come to this,
A weightless step.
On the way down singing,
Woah, woah.
Bang bang from the closet walls,
The schoolhouse halls,
The shotgun's loaded.
Push me and I'll push back.
I'm done asking, I demand.
From a nation under God,
I feel it's love like a cattle prod.
Born free, but still they hate.
Born me, no I can't change.
It's always darkest just before the dawn.
So stay awake with me, let's prove them wrong.
Make it stop.
Let this end,
Eighteen years pushed to the ledge.
It's come to this,
A weightless step.
On the way down singing,
Woah, woah.
The cold river washed him away,
But how could we forget.
Gathering the candles, but not their tongues.
And too much blood has flown from the wrists,
Of the children shamed for those they chose to kiss.
Who will rise to stop the blood?
We're calling for,
Insisting on, a different beat, yeah.
A brand new song.
Whoa, whoa [x3]
(Tyler Clementi, age 18.
Billy Lucas, age 15.
Harrison Chase Brown, age 15
Cody J. Barker, age 17
Seth Walsh, age 13.)
Make it stop,
Let this end.
This life chose me, I'm not lost in sin.
But proud I stand of who I am,
I plan to go on living.
Make it stop,
let this end,
all these years pushed to the ledge,
but proud I stand, of who I am,
I plan to go on living
name few famous band or singer and some of them i dont even recall or even know they're exist coz i really hate to give them a chance...
take Justin Bieber for instance, ppl worldwide know him but the reason know him is quite a year later after i accidently watch his MV in Hitz.TV with Rascall Flats in a songs called "That Should Be Me" and i was like so this is Bieber? i know Rascall Flats but never heard of Bieber and worse my bro goes like "u never heard of Baby?" and i goes like "I thought it's another BSB wannabe"
seriously sometimes i think i live in my own world... i dont even watch Glee coz idk why... maybe i hate musical? but if i say i just live in my own world that could be terribly lie coz there's peoples live there too but not so many... i mean my own clan..
okay, this morning i watch Oprah Winfrey Show and it's about kids getting bullied in school in US... well basically they cant stand that (the bullies) anymore and decided to commit suicide and i think that is not fair...
yeah i know some place in my beloved Malaysia have that issues (that have been reported) but what if the one we didnt know? i mean who stand up for them? i have a friend who use to be the victim and i think she's lucky, she got strength to stand against them and somehow she finished high school at the same place she got bullied... some bully cases so big that ppl notice that but some dont go physical, they goes mental torture like name calling and so on which i think affect the victim more...
well then i found this song that actually dedicated to the victim and i think this song is one hell of the song...sounds pretty wicked too... and since i barely moved to listen to the other band coz i'm afraid they might not suit me, i think this band really done a great job but i havent checked out their other songs... btw the band is kindda famous (outside my world)
Rise Against - Make It Stop (September's Children)
Woah, woah.
Bang bang go the coffin nails, like a breath exhaled,
Been gone forever.
It seems just like yesterday, how did I miss the red flags raised?
Think back to the days we laughed.
We braved these bitter storms together.
Brought to his knees he cried,
But on his feet he died.
What God would damn a heart?
And what God drove us apart?
What God could make it stop?
Let this end.
Eighteen years pushed to the ledge.
It's come to this,
A weightless step.
On the way down singing,
Woah, woah.
Bang bang from the closet walls,
The schoolhouse halls,
The shotgun's loaded.
Push me and I'll push back.
I'm done asking, I demand.
From a nation under God,
I feel it's love like a cattle prod.
Born free, but still they hate.
Born me, no I can't change.
It's always darkest just before the dawn.
So stay awake with me, let's prove them wrong.
Make it stop.
Let this end,
Eighteen years pushed to the ledge.
It's come to this,
A weightless step.
On the way down singing,
Woah, woah.
The cold river washed him away,
But how could we forget.
Gathering the candles, but not their tongues.
And too much blood has flown from the wrists,
Of the children shamed for those they chose to kiss.
Who will rise to stop the blood?
We're calling for,
Insisting on, a different beat, yeah.
A brand new song.
Whoa, whoa [x3]
(Tyler Clementi, age 18.
Billy Lucas, age 15.
Harrison Chase Brown, age 15
Cody J. Barker, age 17
Seth Walsh, age 13.)
Make it stop,
Let this end.
This life chose me, I'm not lost in sin.
But proud I stand of who I am,
I plan to go on living.
Make it stop,
let this end,
all these years pushed to the ledge,
but proud I stand, of who I am,
I plan to go on living
it suppose to be sumthing else but now it's call people i admire the most ^^
okay..i know this goes way south from what i really want to say here but somehow it feels right... i really wish i have their strength and determination in very which way...
Okay..i decided let's continue to roll to the south... i mean..this is my blog right?? n i'm the only friggin author here so WTH!!! fasten ur seat belt everybody...we're heading to different destination (i could've just wrote a new entry or re-write this but i love what i wrote at the first place) HAHAHA!!! i'm gonna talk about ever still alive idol of mine!!


Dr Black Jack (Hazama Kuroo)

Dean Winchester

Benjamin Burnley

Oprah Winfrey

Tyra Banks

Lady Gaga
before anyone say anything... i'm not crazy about her weird looks or anything but i adore her to be who she is and not afraid to the world... well she is one hell of talented musician too but her outfits?? okay we can skip her "creativity" there... all i can say is that she do what she gotta do to put herself to the top and i like it...^^~
~~~ there, kindda every living idol i have...okay i know like what about politician or whoever smart... well yes i do adore some politic thinker but here's the thing... this is my blog and i'm freakin me anyway so if u dont like it, get the hell outta here!! LOL (that was rude) but ya know i have reason to like them not just because they rich and famous or have looks but to me they one of the best (that still alive) see ya nxt time ya!!~~
Thursday, June 16, 2011
my encounter...huhuhuhuu pt 1
tgh busan2 ni baru saye prasan i havent post anything in a while... nak kata busy, just CEO Persatuan Pengangur2 Kehormat Malaya je jawatan saya... speaking of this thing actually it really had something to do with my previous-previous post (yang ada Dean's quote for the title)... if sumone ask me napa x cari kerja time cuti sem tengah panjang ni actually there's a reason behind this (story actually)...
so on the day after my friend (Illie n Farah) supposed to help me for the interview at the place where they work, i went to another place which have job vacancy, so there i met this nice-looking lady who suppose to interview me la... so the interview goes kindda like this
" cerita serba sedikit pasal diri awak"
"well, nama saya bla...bla...bla... n i'm still studying at UMS ambik course Physics Electronics, skarang tengah cuti sem for until September...bla...bla...bla..."
"bagus...tau cakap Inggeris?"
"yeah, a bit"
"not very fluent but people still can understand me"
"i akan soal dalam BM and u akan jawab in English... Ada pengalaman kerja?"
"yes i have, i used to work at a hotel in FnB department in Kuala Terengganu, last year"
(dia angguk) "macam mana keputusan exam u yang latest?"
"i'm not in a dean list but still not so bad... i've stated those in the form"
"ni gaya u?"
"yeah i guess"
"well i tak suka. u tak attractive and u tak nampak macam highly educated person pun.."
"what ur point actually?"
"u xde sense of style, yes awak pakai high heels tapi i nampak u macam budak kampung aje..."
"no offence here but u dont look too smart to me too... and i really can take the heat... so spit out ajelah what actually u wanna say!" (actually i really wanna go meaner like "u look like a bimbo to me and u r not being smart but smartass")
"i tak berapa faham dengan apa u cakap tapi i ada problem dengan perempuan yang i tengok tak cantik, gemuk n berlagak pandai dengan i"
"well then, thanks for the opportunity, i better get going...have a nice day"
well then i picked my stuff n get the hell outta damn place. i mean WTF? xde budi bahasa langsung...again another sentiment like this (from bangsa yang sama dengan saya) yang actually boleh jahanamkan bangsa... judging the book by the cover...
i mean, come on!!! cakap tu guna otak la... kedai jual jam je pun (more like a stall)...interview gaya bagai, tapi i'm glad i didnt get hired or else maybe she's gonna be in my "hitlist" LOL
so after that, i went to buy vanilla green tea n then i saw that "nice-looking" lady again... and actually even how much i hate any person i would never ever go on their face and calling me name like immature 3 year old kids and that is exactly wat she did... owh btw even she called me like budak kampung here let me describe what she wore, short yellow top with almost transparent green legging ( i can see her panties LOL) and dia pakai selendang but dada dia terdedah (i mean almost bare) and okay she can call me orang kampung all she wants but i'm not that desperate la nak tarik perhatian sampai macam nak orang pijak agama n bangsa sendiri ye... owh sambung cerita tergantung tadi... she came straight to my face n told her friend "this is the girl who wish to be among the high class girl!!" n her friend smile n say, "memang tak layak"... i smiled back and say "u right and have a good life"
tapi masalahnya the lady tak puas hati and stop me
"apa point u cakap have a nice life?"
"nothing, sticks and stone may break my bones but ur word not gonna hurt me"
"like i say i'm not gonna get hurt from any words come out from ur filthy mouth and i dont like to curse ppl, so have a nice life"
"ko ingat ko orang putih ke ckap mat salleh??"
"never put it dat way"
"ko taw x aku dulu skolah *** taw!! budak pandai je masuk situ!!"
"well sure...i mean u r undercover agent right??? smart girl but work at small kiosk?? nice disguise...i would never guess u from there"
"aku belum dapat tawaran belajar lagi la!!"
"well u should've got any tawaran by now if u really damn smart"
"ada college ****** call aku tapi aku tolak!!"
"i used to get thousands of phone call from that kind of colleges, but now u know where i ended up"
"jadi ko ingat ko pandai??"
"i have no intention to put any of it that way but u started it missy...but i better get going...have a nice day"
and then i just get the hell outta her face and smile... i heard she cursing me but the person who made my vanilla green tea who actually turned up to be her mother says to her quite loud in front of all ppl "YANG KO NAK MARAH SANGAT TU KENAPA??? KO BUKANNYA PAHAM SEPATAH HARAM DIA CAKAP!!! KO NAK BERLAGAK KO DARI SEKOLAH LAMA KO TU PUN TAK GUNA KALAU SPM C JE PALING TINGGI KO DAPAT!!!"
what her mum says really like striking me and cheer me up a bit... moral of the story here, like my ustaz says, memang manusia ni semua dicipta dari tanah, sama sahaja, but jodoh, rezeki, ajal, syurga n neraka bukan ditentukan oleh kita... setiap benda yang dicipta ALLAH ada gunanya... tak ada yang sia-sia...
so on the day after my friend (Illie n Farah) supposed to help me for the interview at the place where they work, i went to another place which have job vacancy, so there i met this nice-looking lady who suppose to interview me la... so the interview goes kindda like this
" cerita serba sedikit pasal diri awak"
"well, nama saya bla...bla...bla... n i'm still studying at UMS ambik course Physics Electronics, skarang tengah cuti sem for until September...bla...bla...bla..."
"bagus...tau cakap Inggeris?"
"yeah, a bit"
"not very fluent but people still can understand me"
"i akan soal dalam BM and u akan jawab in English... Ada pengalaman kerja?"
"yes i have, i used to work at a hotel in FnB department in Kuala Terengganu, last year"
(dia angguk) "macam mana keputusan exam u yang latest?"
"i'm not in a dean list but still not so bad... i've stated those in the form"
"ni gaya u?"
"yeah i guess"
"well i tak suka. u tak attractive and u tak nampak macam highly educated person pun.."
"what ur point actually?"
"u xde sense of style, yes awak pakai high heels tapi i nampak u macam budak kampung aje..."
"no offence here but u dont look too smart to me too... and i really can take the heat... so spit out ajelah what actually u wanna say!" (actually i really wanna go meaner like "u look like a bimbo to me and u r not being smart but smartass")
"i tak berapa faham dengan apa u cakap tapi i ada problem dengan perempuan yang i tengok tak cantik, gemuk n berlagak pandai dengan i"
"well then, thanks for the opportunity, i better get going...have a nice day"
well then i picked my stuff n get the hell outta damn place. i mean WTF? xde budi bahasa langsung...again another sentiment like this (from bangsa yang sama dengan saya) yang actually boleh jahanamkan bangsa... judging the book by the cover...
i mean, come on!!! cakap tu guna otak la... kedai jual jam je pun (more like a stall)...interview gaya bagai, tapi i'm glad i didnt get hired or else maybe she's gonna be in my "hitlist" LOL
so after that, i went to buy vanilla green tea n then i saw that "nice-looking" lady again... and actually even how much i hate any person i would never ever go on their face and calling me name like immature 3 year old kids and that is exactly wat she did... owh btw even she called me like budak kampung here let me describe what she wore, short yellow top with almost transparent green legging ( i can see her panties LOL) and dia pakai selendang but dada dia terdedah (i mean almost bare) and okay she can call me orang kampung all she wants but i'm not that desperate la nak tarik perhatian sampai macam nak orang pijak agama n bangsa sendiri ye... owh sambung cerita tergantung tadi... she came straight to my face n told her friend "this is the girl who wish to be among the high class girl!!" n her friend smile n say, "memang tak layak"... i smiled back and say "u right and have a good life"
tapi masalahnya the lady tak puas hati and stop me
"apa point u cakap have a nice life?"
"nothing, sticks and stone may break my bones but ur word not gonna hurt me"
"like i say i'm not gonna get hurt from any words come out from ur filthy mouth and i dont like to curse ppl, so have a nice life"
"ko ingat ko orang putih ke ckap mat salleh??"
"never put it dat way"
"ko taw x aku dulu skolah *** taw!! budak pandai je masuk situ!!"
"well sure...i mean u r undercover agent right??? smart girl but work at small kiosk?? nice disguise...i would never guess u from there"
"aku belum dapat tawaran belajar lagi la!!"
"well u should've got any tawaran by now if u really damn smart"
"ada college ****** call aku tapi aku tolak!!"
"i used to get thousands of phone call from that kind of colleges, but now u know where i ended up"
"jadi ko ingat ko pandai??"
"i have no intention to put any of it that way but u started it missy...but i better get going...have a nice day"
and then i just get the hell outta her face and smile... i heard she cursing me but the person who made my vanilla green tea who actually turned up to be her mother says to her quite loud in front of all ppl "YANG KO NAK MARAH SANGAT TU KENAPA??? KO BUKANNYA PAHAM SEPATAH HARAM DIA CAKAP!!! KO NAK BERLAGAK KO DARI SEKOLAH LAMA KO TU PUN TAK GUNA KALAU SPM C JE PALING TINGGI KO DAPAT!!!"
what her mum says really like striking me and cheer me up a bit... moral of the story here, like my ustaz says, memang manusia ni semua dicipta dari tanah, sama sahaja, but jodoh, rezeki, ajal, syurga n neraka bukan ditentukan oleh kita... setiap benda yang dicipta ALLAH ada gunanya... tak ada yang sia-sia...
Thursday, June 9, 2011
i love all Breaking Benjamin's song but... (i'm pissed a little i guess)
seems like forever i didnt update my blog here... (net problem!!) but since now everything kindda ok a bit, i guess i should talk something... actually there's a lot of thing but one problem a time ya? ^^~
hmm... okay, i'm gonna start with my fav band in the universe, Breaking Benjamin... never got any problem with their musics EVER! but now someone with happy face remake their song (yeah they still keep the original Ben's vocal and so)...did i say remake? i guess the correct term is remake-mix coz they didnt exactly recreate the song but they insert some other female vocalist voice inside the song to re-sing few part...and gotta say, never like it!! COME ON!! i know some ppl say time for change here Crystal! but i like the original one... the new one ruin everything!! and funny thing? the original one, if i never heard of Breaking Benjamin, i will never heard Blow Me Away but with some remake-mix nonsense with some female rock chick vocalist added, the song played on the radio.. i mean WTF? let alone Ben's vocal there, no need any unreachable tone voice chick to get involve!
i heard some song which Ben feature in some like Brand New Day (The Drama Club) and Ben also sing along in Take Me Under (3 Days Grace) and few others (which i dont remember exactly) and since their voice/vocal get to where Ben's tone or the songs exactly fit right to both vocalist, it never sound awkward. Hey, i'm not against Ben singing with any female vocalist ya before anyone get me wrong even i have a huge crush on Benjamin Burnley but i have the problem with the remake-mix... no doubt that the female vocalist (i dunno her name) is powerful but sweety, find the right song la...not just picking this video game theme songs which i guess most gamer in the world know... i dont say it is a humiliation but i say it ruin a nice (powerful) song...BTW, who disagree with me i hope dont take this personally coz it just my thought coz hey, i'm really a die hard fan and i really hope Breaking Benjamin will start writing new song... i'm dying here!! ^^~~
hmm... okay, i'm gonna start with my fav band in the universe, Breaking Benjamin... never got any problem with their musics EVER! but now someone with happy face remake their song (yeah they still keep the original Ben's vocal and so)...did i say remake? i guess the correct term is remake-mix coz they didnt exactly recreate the song but they insert some other female vocalist voice inside the song to re-sing few part...and gotta say, never like it!! COME ON!! i know some ppl say time for change here Crystal! but i like the original one... the new one ruin everything!! and funny thing? the original one, if i never heard of Breaking Benjamin, i will never heard Blow Me Away but with some remake-mix nonsense with some female rock chick vocalist added, the song played on the radio.. i mean WTF? let alone Ben's vocal there, no need any unreachable tone voice chick to get involve!
i heard some song which Ben feature in some like Brand New Day (The Drama Club) and Ben also sing along in Take Me Under (3 Days Grace) and few others (which i dont remember exactly) and since their voice/vocal get to where Ben's tone or the songs exactly fit right to both vocalist, it never sound awkward. Hey, i'm not against Ben singing with any female vocalist ya before anyone get me wrong even i have a huge crush on Benjamin Burnley but i have the problem with the remake-mix... no doubt that the female vocalist (i dunno her name) is powerful but sweety, find the right song la...not just picking this video game theme songs which i guess most gamer in the world know... i dont say it is a humiliation but i say it ruin a nice (powerful) song...BTW, who disagree with me i hope dont take this personally coz it just my thought coz hey, i'm really a die hard fan and i really hope Breaking Benjamin will start writing new song... i'm dying here!! ^^~~
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