Thursday, June 16, 2011

my encounter...huhuhuhuu pt 1

tgh busan2 ni baru saye prasan i havent post anything in a while... nak kata busy, just CEO Persatuan Pengangur2 Kehormat Malaya je jawatan saya... speaking of this thing actually it really had something to do with  my previous-previous post (yang ada Dean's quote for the title)... if sumone ask me napa x cari kerja time cuti sem tengah panjang ni actually there's a reason behind this (story actually)...
so on the day after my friend (Illie n Farah) supposed to help me for the interview at the place where they work, i went to another place which have job vacancy, so there i met this nice-looking lady who suppose to interview me la... so the interview goes kindda like this

" cerita serba sedikit pasal diri awak"
"well, nama saya bla...bla...bla... n i'm still studying at UMS ambik course Physics Electronics, skarang tengah cuti sem for until September...bla...bla...bla..."
"bagus...tau cakap Inggeris?"
"yeah, a bit"
"not very fluent but people still can understand me"
"i akan soal dalam BM and u akan jawab in English... Ada pengalaman kerja?"
"yes i have, i used to work at a hotel in FnB department in Kuala Terengganu, last year"
(dia angguk) "macam mana keputusan exam u yang latest?"
"i'm not in a dean list but still not so bad... i've stated those in the form"
"ni gaya u?"
"yeah i guess"
"well i tak suka. u tak attractive and u tak nampak macam highly educated person pun.."
"what ur point actually?"
"u xde sense of style, yes awak pakai high heels tapi i nampak u macam budak kampung aje..."
"no offence here but u dont look too smart to me too... and i really can take the heat... so spit out ajelah what actually u wanna say!" (actually i really wanna go meaner like "u look like a bimbo to me and u r not being smart but smartass")
"i tak berapa faham dengan apa u cakap tapi i ada problem dengan perempuan yang i tengok tak cantik, gemuk n berlagak pandai dengan i"
"well then, thanks for the opportunity, i better get going...have a nice day"

well then i picked my stuff n get the hell outta damn place. i mean WTF? xde budi bahasa langsung...again another sentiment like this (from bangsa yang sama dengan saya) yang actually boleh jahanamkan bangsa... judging the book by the cover...
i mean, come on!!! cakap tu guna otak la... kedai jual jam je pun (more like a stall)...interview gaya bagai, tapi i'm glad i didnt get hired or else maybe she's gonna be in my "hitlist" LOL
so after that, i went to buy vanilla green tea n then i saw that "nice-looking" lady again... and actually even how much i hate any person i would never ever go on their face and calling me name like immature 3 year old kids and that is exactly wat she did... owh btw even she called me like budak kampung here let me describe what she wore, short yellow top with almost transparent green legging ( i can see her panties LOL) and dia pakai selendang but dada dia terdedah (i mean almost bare) and okay she can call me orang kampung all she wants but i'm not that desperate la nak tarik perhatian sampai macam nak orang pijak agama n bangsa sendiri ye... owh sambung cerita tergantung tadi... she came straight to my face n told her friend "this is the girl who wish to be among the high class girl!!" n her friend smile n say, "memang tak layak"... i smiled back and say "u right and have a good life"
tapi masalahnya the lady tak puas hati and stop me

"apa point u cakap have a nice life?"
"nothing,  sticks and stone may break my bones but ur word not gonna hurt me"
"like i say i'm not gonna get hurt from any words come out from ur filthy mouth and i dont like to curse ppl, so have a nice life"
"ko ingat ko orang putih ke ckap mat salleh??"
"never put it dat way"
"ko taw x aku dulu skolah *** taw!! budak pandai je masuk situ!!"
"well sure...i mean u r undercover agent right??? smart girl but work at small kiosk?? nice disguise...i would never guess u from there"
"aku belum dapat tawaran belajar lagi la!!"
"well u should've got any tawaran by now if u really damn smart"
"ada college ****** call aku tapi aku tolak!!"
"i used to get thousands of phone call from that kind of colleges, but now u know where i ended up"
"jadi ko ingat ko pandai??"
"i have no intention to put any of it that way but u started it missy...but i better get going...have a nice day"

and then i just get the hell outta her face and smile... i heard she cursing me but the person who made my vanilla green tea who actually turned up to be her mother says to her quite loud in front of all ppl "YANG KO NAK MARAH SANGAT TU KENAPA??? KO BUKANNYA PAHAM SEPATAH HARAM DIA CAKAP!!! KO NAK BERLAGAK KO DARI SEKOLAH LAMA KO TU PUN TAK GUNA KALAU SPM C JE PALING TINGGI KO DAPAT!!!"

what her mum says really like striking me and cheer me up a bit... moral of the story here, like my ustaz says, memang manusia ni semua dicipta dari tanah, sama sahaja, but jodoh, rezeki, ajal, syurga n neraka bukan ditentukan oleh kita... setiap benda yang dicipta ALLAH ada gunanya... tak ada yang sia-sia...

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